Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Health Care Financial Terms Worksheet Essay
Understanding health care financial terms is a prerequisite for both academic and professional success. This assignment is intended to ensure you understand some of the basic terms used in this course. Complete the worksheet below according to the following guidelines: In the space provided, write each term’s definition as used in health care management. You must define the term in your own words. In the space provided after each term’s definition, summarize a health care management scenario that illustrates the importance of the skill, concept, procedure, or tool to which the term refers. In the scenario, you may wish to consider the following: Why is the skill, concept, procedure, or tool necessary for accurate record keeping, operational efficiency, excellent patient services, employee management, regulatory compliance, reducing costs, forecasting, and so forth? What successes are enabled by an adequate understanding or appropriate application of the skill, concept, procedure, or tool? What risks or failures are associated with an inadequate understanding or inappropriate application of the skill, concept, procedure, or tool? Save the completed worksheet as a Microsoft Word document with your name in the file name. Submit the file to your instructor. Worksheet Submitted By: Term Definition Scenario Capital expenditure budget A budget that can cover one year or multiple years and has a more futuristic view. If the economy is expected to go into a recession that may last several years a company may need a capital expenditure budget. One that may show a plan for the financial survival over the next few years. Things like plans to spend less on expensive or unnecessary supplies or switch to more generic brands are good examples of what could be taken into consideration when making a capital expenditure budget. Direct cost Cost that is directly related to the production of goods or services. Costs related to Materials used for production or labor costs are examples of direct costs because they are directly related to producing goods or services. Flexible budget Budget that is made by using budgeted revenue and cost amounts and can be adjusted according to expected outputs. If a business has had busy Summers in the past and may have another busy Summer they may want to plan for a higher workload and more staff. This requires them to have a flexible budget so they can adjust the budget according to the rising activity level or volume of business. Operating budget Budget that deals with short term revenues and expenses that are needed to keep an organization operating. When a business needs supplies to be able to provide services and needs to pay staff to provide services as well the money that is being spent on the wages of the staff and the supplies is part of the operating budget because those things are needed to operate the business. Responsibility center Center that is responsible for managing costs or costs and revenues. Cost centers are responsibility centers that are responsible for costs and profit centers are responsibility centers that are responsible for managing revenues and costs. Being responsible makes them â€Å"Responsibility†centers.
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
Why Do You Wish to Participate in the Dss Leader Ship Program?
Why do you wish to participate in the DSS Leader Ship program? I wish to participate in the DSS Leader Ship program to strengthen my leadership skills, to gain knowledge and skills in order to advance to a higher position within DaVita. The skills I will learn will allow me to encourage higher education and advancement in my teammates. In this essay, I will describe my interests, expectations, and goals to participate in this leadership program. First, I believe this program is an excellent opportunity to strengthen my leadership skills. The skills learned in this program will be used and applied in everyday job operations. Also, I hunger to learn how to lead my team according to DaVita’s Core Values; Integrity, Fun, Service Excellence, Accountability, Team, Continuous Improvement and Fulfillment. The skills obtained will also help me to carry out my job more proficiently and confidently. Being a good leader and role model is very important to me and I am very motivated to gain any skills that will assist in achieving those qualities. Secondly, the knowledge and skills gained in this program will assist me in advancement within DaVita. Currently, I work with a group of professionals which include the Medical Director, Facility Administrator, Nurses, Social Worker and Dietitian, together we are the Interdisciplinary Team, taking a holistic approach in assessing, evaluating, and implementing care for our patients. According to (http://medical-dictionary. thefreedictionary. com/_dict. aspx, 2011) Interdisciplinary Team means a group of health care professionals from diverse fields who work in a coordinated fashion toward a common goal for the patient. As one of the Interdisciplinary Team Members, I believe this program will broaden my critical thinking and problem solving skills to help me bring more to the Team for the benefit of our patients. In this ever changing field, I have a thirst for knowledge and feel the need to be challenged. In my opinion, obtaining knowledge and learning new things should always be on a continuous basis with this ever-changing world, and economy, as well as meeting the needs of my patients and teammates. Thirdly, encouraging higher education and advancement in my teammates is also a priority. I am a firm believer that education within a company means longevity. The goal of being a good leader entails encouraging others to exceed boundaries for success. My affirmation is leading by example. In addition, being a role model to my teammates is exemplified by my interest in this program. In conclusion, strengthening my leader ship skills, gaining skills and knowledge, and encouraging higher education amongst my teammates; are some of the major reasons I wish to participate in this program. I believe my role on the Interdisciplinary Team can also be enhanced by my participation in this program by broadening my critical thinking and problem solving skills. I feel this will be a great opportunity for me and my teammates to be accepted into this program to learn how to become a strong leader by using the DaVita’s Core Values; Integrity, Fun, Service Excellence, Accountability, Team, Continuous Improvement, and Fulfillment. Reference: (http://medical-dictionary. thefreedictionary. com/_dict. aspx, 2011)
Monday, July 29, 2019
African American
Please show how Segregation shaped the lives of African Americans during the time frame 1870-1920. Please examine all faucet of society under slavery to support your argument. In the year of 1870, It was the re Invention of slavery. America could not be built without economic. The south was still a negative place and they tailed to accept blacks. After decades of discrimination, the voting rights act of 1965 aimed to overcome legal barriers at the state and local levels that denied blacks tovote under the 15th amendment. The 1 5th amendment in 1870 gave African Americans the right o vote. The constitutional amendment passed after the civil war that it guaranteed blacks the right to vote. It affected not only freed slaves In the south but the blacks that were living In the north who was not allowed to vote(3). The amendment was favored by the Republican Party; since the votes of the slaves helped the party dominates national politics In the years after the war. During the same year, Hiram Rhodes Revels. who was a republican from Mississippi, became the first African American to sit in the United States congress when he was elected to the United tates senate. Millions of black men served In congress during reconstruction but more than 600 served In the states legislatures and many more held local offices(3). The Jim Crow laws were the era of struggle. The state and local laws in the united states enacted between 1876 and 1365. In 1890, there was a separate but equal status for African Americans. Jim Crow laws followed the Black codes which restricted the civil rights and civil liberties of African Americans with no equality. During the reconstruction period, the federal law provided clvll rights protection In the united States for the African Americans who had formally been slaves(l)_ In 1890, Louisiana required by law that blacks ride In separate railroad cars. The whites on railroads, including separate railway cars. Plessy attempted to sit in an all- white railroad car. After refusing to sit in the black railway carriage car, Plessy was arrested for violating in1890. Louisiana statute that provided for segregated separate but equal railroad accommodations. Those using facilities not designated for their race were criminally liable under the statute(4). Plessy was found guilty on he grounds that the law was a reasonable exercise of the states police powers based upon custom, usage, and tradition in the state. Plessy filed a petition in the Supreme Court of Louisiana against Ferguson, asserting that segregation stigmatized blacks and stamped them with a badge of inferiority in violation of the Thirteenth and Fourteenth amendments(4). The case of Plessy vs. Ferguson was one of a combination of rulings passed by the U. S and the state Supreme Courts after reconstruction. Many of these decisions allowed and required Jim Crow segregation laws in southern states. At the highest level, the case was decided on May 18th in 1896, in favor of Ferguson and the state of Louisiana. The Supreme Court had given southern states all the permission they needed to let any remaining equality between the races fade away and be replaced by the Jim Crow laws standing(S). By the 1870s, many southern whites had resorted to intimidation and violence to keep blacks from voting and restore white supremacy in the region. Beginning in 1873, a series of Supreme Court decisions limited the scope of Reconstruction-era laws and federal support for the Reconstruction Amendments, particularly the 14th nd 15th, which gave African Americans the status of citizenship and protection. The Compromise of 1877 occurred after the Presidential Election of 1876, when Congress formed the Electoral Commission to resolve disputed Democratic Electoral votes from the South. The republicans agreed to enact Federal legislation that would spur industrialization in the south. They agreed to withdraw federal soldiers from their remaining positions in the south(5). They did this to appoint democrats to positions in the south and to appoint a democrat to the presidents cabinet. The Compromise f 1877 effectively ended the Reconstruction era. The Southern Democrats promised to protect but the political rights of blacks were not kept. The end of federal interference in southern affairs led to widespread disenfranchisement of blacks voters(4). From the late 1870s, southern legislatures passed a series of laws requiring the separation of whites from persons of color on public transportation, in schools, parks, restaurants, theaters and other locations. These segregationist statutes governed life in the South through the middle of the next century, ending after the uccess of the civil rights movement in the 1960s. The migration was a watershed in the history of African Americans. It lessened their overwhelming concentration in the South, opened up industrial Jobs to people who had up to then been mostly farmers, and gave the first significant impetus to their cities such as Chicago, Detroit, Cleveland, Philadelphia, and New York(8). The single largest movement of African Americans occurred during World War l, when people moved from rural areas and small towns in the South to cities in the North and the East. Even in the North, blacks encountered violence at the hands of whites, who esented competition for Jobs and black economic success. Segregation and discrimination in housing, education, and Jobs was pervasive in the North as well. From 1916, more than six million blacks left the South for other regions of the United States. Over the next fifteen years, more than one tenth of the countrys black population would voluntarily move north. The Great Migration lasted until 1930. This was the first step in the full nationalization of the African American population(2). The Klu Klux Klan is the oldest organization. During this time 1920s, there were still 5 percent of African Americans in the south. The Klan was created in 1871 by the Democratic Party to prevent African Americans from voting the 1 5th Amendment. The Klan also became Americans 1st terrorist group and became an institutional part of American life and political colt.
Advanced Management Accounting Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Advanced Management Accounting - Assignment Example Company has various hierarchy levels and compensation to each has been linked with the financial performance only. I have been assigned with the task to suggest some comprehensive measurement technique to the firm. This report, herein, provides complete analysis of alternative available to the firm. Also this report has provided in-depth analysis of Balance Score Card being as among widely used techniques and its prospective suitability to the firm. Performance measurements techniques are used to evaluate the position of any company on the road that leads to the destination it has defined in vision. These performance measurement techniques vary from industry to industry and include both financial and non-financial measures. Every performance measure is required to meet the following aspects to be eligible for the application (Price Waterhouse Coopers, 2006): There is large number of performance measures available and making choice regarding as the key performance indicator (KPI) is the critical decision. PWC developed model for the comprehensive Communication of KPI which is as follows: Measures that already are part of Allulite Windows and Joinery shall be aligned and hence, updated as required for meeting the standards set in model above. For instance, the production performance measurement can be upgraded to meet the quality, delivery, service and total cost. Furthermore, quality measurement shall be assigned some rating criteria with benchmark of acceptance, rejection or customer feedback etc. Moreover, analysis of various cost components, their percentage contribution in total cost overall positive and negative impact of variability in cost components etc. On the external front, comparison from industry benchmark; declaration of positive or negative position against mentioned benchmark; customer retention; company
Sunday, July 28, 2019
Political issue Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Political issue - Essay Example The war has been the longest in the history of American history, yet till date it has not achieved its objectives clearly. Early in 2014, the pullout from Afghanistan was decided and agreed upon. In the wake of such circumstances, Afghanistan is a land locked country, and situation there in always impacts the peace and stability of region with its peace or otherwise state of existence. In the midst of the withdrawal of the ISAF forces, Afghanistan presents a new challenge. Afghanistan at present is at a challenge to itself, to the global peace, to the regional security, stability and overall dynamics of the international politics. Afghan government is frail and does not enjoy the resource or the infrastructure that will enable it defending itself against the rival groups and the outlaws. The very fact that the incumbent government’s influence is limited to the green belt is the reflection of the overall writ of state enjoyed by the American backed government. Afghanistan is an ethnic split country offers problems in multiple proportions. The challenge of ensuring and bringing about the Pukhtoon and the non- Pukhtoon on table and bringing them to terms with regard to the power sharing has been one of the challenges that needs to be looked into and addressed with regard to the overall future dynamics and future outlook of Afghanistan. The last decade or so since the invasion of United States of America has seen the isolation and total targeting of the Pukhtoon in the form of Taliban who were being targeted where ever spotted, based on this the country has seen severe ethnic divide within themselves leading to catastrophic outlook at present in the form of social divide and social disparity. The withdrawal of the allied forces will give the Taliban space and possible opportunity to get back into authority with regard to the offensives being undertaken and conducted against the Afghan government. The recent times have seen relatively increased trend in the
Saturday, July 27, 2019
Immigration Policy Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Immigration Policy - Coursework Example The essence and necessity of reforming the immigration sector in the US cannot be overemphasized. Most of the immigrants in the US fall short of the technical competence and skills required to ensure growth (Flannery, 2014). The immigration reforms should focus on providing visas to individuals who have the skills in engineering, science and other technical areas as a consequence of ensuring productivity. Most sectors of the American economy depend on the people who have technological and innovative skills capable of redefining growth in key sectors of the economy (Kramer, 2014). Unfortunately, most of the immigrants in the US are less productive and more established in the informal sectors other than the mainstream economical zones. Growth is directly correlated to the technical ability and skills of individuals in various sectors. Statistics have shown that scientists, engineers and programmers are responsible for growth that have been experienced in the US over the past few years (Kramer, 2014). It is, therefore, important to reform the immigration to ensure that skilled individuals are given a priority in terms of visa presentation. Flannery, N.P. (2014, March 24). Can corporate leaders push through immigration reform in 2014? Forbes. Retrieved from . Kramer, H. (2014, February 11). How immigration reform or lack thereof is hurting our economic competitiveness. Forbes. Retrieved
Friday, July 26, 2019
Color Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Color - Assignment Example A good understanding of color theory is a good understanding of science. A knowledgeable person will help the group study how colors affect different people, either individually or as a group. The group will understand that people can build a career on colors (Chapman). 2. An understanding of color theory will prevent color disasters. For instance, painting a magazine yellow is not usually a hit. Many people are not a fan of yellow. Statistics indicate that yellow remains the least likely favorite color for most people (Chapman). It is necessary for a producer to understand the different ways of producing color. This improves the quality of the publication. A designer will be able to develop the best color harmony. The magazine he designed will engage the viewer and creates an inner sense of understanding and balance in the visual experience. The designer will not be boring or chaotic. He will indicate a feeling of order in his work, and deliver visual interest to the readers
Thursday, July 25, 2019
Maritime Logistics Assignment 1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Maritime Logistics Assignment 1 - Essay Example For efficient working of several global systems, there must be a system, which facilitates the movement of the goods and the related products. Maritime logistics is the system that is used to facilitate the movement of goods and related products from place to the other. Maritime logistics is mainly concerned with the movement of goods and services from one location to the other mainly via the sea. Maritime logistics can be simply defined as a detailed coordination of maritime activities with relation to people, facilities, and supplies (Mangan, Lalwani and Butcher, 2008, p. 8) Maritime logistics is used to facilitate the movement of raw materials and finished products between the producer, manufacturer, supplier, and consumer. There are various types of cargo transported using the maritime logistics. Types of cargo transported by the maritime logistics companies include: Containerized cargo: This refers to the cargo that is transported in containers that are standardized. This type o f cargo is very easy to handle as various types of equipment have been specifically designed to handle the containerized cargo. Project cargo: This refers to machinery and equipment that is exported or imported by a certain party for performance of a specific purpose. This type of cargo is difficult to handle as cargo size, shape and weight usually vary, hence making it difficult for the equipment to handle them without causing damage. Automobiles: This refers to the vehicles and similar equipment. Break bulk cargo: This refers to goods that are transported in bulk without being containerized. The main types of goods transported in this method are mineral and ores. Among the most important aspects of maritime logistics are the cost of provision of services, speed in which the products will ultimately reach the intended person, and the quality of services that the company provides. A company that is able to effectively utilize the above aspects usually has a competitive edge over the other companies. Navex maritime Navex maritime is a maritime logistics company based in Antwerp, Belgium. The company was formed in 1993 after the merger of the commercial activities of Navex N.V and Van Meerbeek & Company. Both companies had been in existence for a long time, with Navex N.V having been formed in 1919 and Van Meerbeek & Co. having been formed in 1946 (Navex maritime logistics company website 2011). In 2005, the company ventured into the global forwarding business. Navex logistics is mainly involved in the maritime trade as a sales agent to the ship owners, provision of third party logistic and in the forwarding of freight. The company mainly specializes in oil and gas industry and mainly handles break bulk cargo (Navex maritime logistics, company website 2011). The company’s strategic location in Antwerp, the second largest port in Europe - after Rotterdam – enables it to benefit from the volume of trade and cargo, which passes through the port to oth er parts of Europe. Antwerp is also among the 10 largest ports in the world. Main competitors Navex maritime faces stiff competition from the other large maritime logistics companies that have their operations in all the regions of the world including Belgium. These companies include Mediterranean shipping company, the largest maritime logistics company, A.P-Mollar Maersk group, Evergreen, P&O and MOL. Due to the fact that maritime trade is global, these large companies control a sizeable proportion of the
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Call Center Report- from a cultural perspective (includes Essay
Call Center Report- from a cultural perspective (includes communication) - Essay Example The organization acquired necessary property for the call centre and a number of key management employees having British citizenship will supervise the call centre. A UK based company extended the business into the finance and insurance sector with a banking and finance division which was incorporated with around 50,000 customer accounts in mid 2000s. Overtime it became costlier to provide services to the customers; hence to achieve financial savings – in 2011, a decision was taken as part of the five-year strategic plan to open an inbound call centre outside the UK; afterward Manila, Philippine was chosen. The aim of this call centre is to achieve financial savings as well as the benefits of outsourcing while providing satisfactory services to the customers of the company. This report is being prepared to achieve the following objectives: Manila is one of the most energetic and diverse cities of Asia. This city is an extensive mass of humanity, acutely reflecting long heritage of cultures and classes. Straddling the Pasing River’s delta, the Philippines’ capital is actually a group of cities fused into one. There are plenty of highlights in each sub city within Manila. Almost all sorts of life-style facilities and entertainments are available in this city, a number of world’s biggest shopping-malls are in Manila. Depending on the interest of the people vibrant nightlives attract the tourist to Manila (Margaret W. Sullivan, â€Å"The Philippines: Pacific Crossroads†). In the Philippines call centres were started with the services of email responses and relevant managing services. These centres have the capabilities managing and maintaining all types of customer care, customer relations including technical support, travel services, education, financial services, business to business support, business to customer
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
Personnel Management Master Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Personnel Management Master - Assignment Example However, this relation seems to be replaced by commercials ones in the application of flexibilities at work. Employers may resort to flexibility strategies due to a series of factors such as increasing competition, market uncertainties, technological change, government policies and labour supply factors (Blyton: 1996). Flexibility at work place is characterised by dynamism and adaptability in contrast to negative rigidity that have been the case with companies in the past. The reason why employers have been opting for flexibility at work does not favour employees in terms of bargaining for their rights in the work force. This is because, the prevailing labour market characterised by high level of unemployment put employers in the driving seat in this endeavour to decide who to hire, how and under what terms. The following are types of flexibilities used by employers:- Functional flexibility: In this type of flexibility, the organisation, segment its labour force into 'core' and 'peripheral' groups. The core work force is permanently employed and is particularly employed in the firm's continuous activities and enjoys greater and generous pay pack and career development including promotion. As a payback, they provide functional flexibilities that go beyond their job description to serve the company and accept multi-skilled roles in carrying out their assigned tasks (Bain & Gareth, p3). Numerical f Numerical flexibility: In this case, the firm strategise on the number of employees it want to employee for particular tasks and in what terms in order to maximise the output and reduce labour cost. It mainly does this by dividing the peripheral workforce into three groups; the first peripheral group may consist of firm workers who carry out routine, low-skill tasks and their employment is more susceptible to fluctuation in product demand compared to core workforce. The second peripheral workforce mainly drawn form external labour market provides specialised skills which are only required by firm on temporary basis. The third group comprises of workers located in the secondary external labour market who are mainly low-skilled and carry out poorly paid functions like cleaning or garbage collection and catering (Bain & Gareth, p2). Financial flexibility: This is where the employer engages in a performance-related pay system so as to reward employees in the core workforce who meet the targeted output. It is also used to secure long-term commitment from staff to the firm and thereby countering the problem of retention brought about by other flexibilities. Temporal flexibility: In this approach, a firm will make decision on how and when to employ temporary workforce. This is done by the firm strategising on the optimal time of the season and day when their services is needed. This involves among other thing peak times and elimination of non-productive prospective workforce like mothers and socially committed individuals. This flexibility is very important to the organisations as it is used to cover for sick leaves and maternal leaves of core and permanent employees. Locational flexibility: This is the strategic locationing of the firm operations or sourcing the service from outside its premises in order to gain the technological advantage. It also involves restructuring the whole supply chain logistics. Manufacturing firms may close some of its plants and consolidate its operation in one
Dont Actually Use This Crap Essay Example for Free
Dont Actually Use This Crap Essay I have decided to research and discuss how we can use heritage to build a nation in order to promote our understanding of a common humanity. In order to discuss and debate the abovementioned question we need to understand some key phrases in the question. In my opinion, that would include the following key concepts, namely; * heritage, * nation and * a common humanity. South Africa has come from a turbulent past where terms such as heritage, nation building and a common humanity meant different things to various population groups and realistically these concepts were worlds apart for the majority of South Africans. In order to achieve a common humanity, we need to respect all the cultures and religions within our country. People learn and are influenced by the place and the people around them. In a country like South Africa many people have learned from stories told to them. These stories carry information and ideas about life and living and shared customs, traditions and memories from parents to children. A persons heritage is made up of the practices, and traditions that are passed on from parents to children. Heritage is also about what has been passed on from the family, community and place where people have been raised. For example a person may have grown up in a family of medical professionals or in a proudly Zulu family where the old customs are still followed. This is part of their heritage. People also have a national heritage. A person who was born in South Africa has a South African heritage. This also means they have an African heritage because they were born on this continent. There are many South Africans who do not know what our Coat of Arms represents or the meaning of our flag and anthem. In order to be a truly successful nation we need to become more aware of these national symbols. If we achieve this it will contribute to a more powerful form of nation-building. In countries with a huge variety of cultural, ethnic, racial, religious and other social identities, nation-building is a big challenge. This challenge has led governments to take numerous steps to create a peaceful and workable country. In Africa the situation is made more difficult by the fact that there are many identities and cultures. Mandaza describes such states as nation-states-in-the-making, which are characterised by a lack of essence, weakness and dependency. I think that the role of the curriculum in schools plays an essential role in promoting an understanding of a common humanity in all young people. Researchers often make reference to the neglected role of the history curriculum in the debate on nation-building and the process of forging general citizenship in Africa. In this context, the concept curriculum is understood from many people to be the point of view of the political party in power. The curriculum emerges directly from society and is an ideological tool as well as a vehicle of social change driven by the dominant social group. As such, it plays a central role in the development and reproduction of society over time and geographical area. Seen from this perspective, it is no wonder that the curriculum is driven by political regimes in an endeavour to promote common values and form a particular type of citizen. We most certainly can, but it takes a lot of hard work. Each of our many cultures must get a little space in the sun. What we must also realise though is that some cultures are very different from others and that some people might find the things we may want to defend offensive. The question we should ask is whether our practices are more likely to cause division and friction, or whether it is going to bring people of different cultures together. What we should perhaps work on is getting our country to a point where there is loyalty to the flag no matter what. We must be able to really be proud of our achievements as a nation, and not vote people into office that will embarrass us. If we can all stand behind the flag, I think it will be one thing that can unite us. Look what the Rugby World Cups and the recent 2010 Soccer World Cup did for our nation. The whole nation standing for a common cause and goal. There was a real sense of nation-building. Culture is not something you are born with. It is learned from family, school, religious teachings, television and media and the government of a country. Advertisements, magazines and movies are also powerful guides. For example American music videos promote a certain style of dress, values, expression and attitude for young people. Many young people like the cool speak of American pop music rather than talking in their home language. Schools and religious organisations also play a big role. Religion has many rituals that symbolise belonging to a particular culture. South Africa has been called the rainbow nation because it has so many cultural practices. Cultural practices are how we talk and behave, the ways in which we pray, the special things we do when we have festivals, births and deaths. We have groups with different languages, religions, race, customs and traditions e. . Zulu, Ndebele, Khoisan, Hindu, Muslim and Afrikaner people. All of these people are united by being South African and all of their ways of life form part of our country’s identity and culture. It is important to promote and be proud of our South African culture and identity. This helps South Africans to understand and respect each other and to learn from each other’s cultural practices. This is part of the healing that demo cracy has brought after culture was used to divide South Africans in the past. For this reason the government has a project called â€Å"Proudly South African†that encourages South Africans to value each other and the country. The past is all around us. We live our lives against a rich backdrop of historic buildings, landscapes and other physical survivals of our past. But the historic environment is more than just a matter of material remains. It is central to how we see ourselves and to our identity as individuals, communities and as a nation. It is a physical record of what our country is and how it came to be. Building materials and styles can define region’s localities and communities. Historic landscapes or iconic buildings can become a focus of community identity and pride. At a more local level a historic church or park can help define a neighbourhood and create a sense of identity and belonging. The importance that we attach to our ‘heritage’ is growing each year, and that is why events such as Heritage Day are important in enabling people to value and appreciate their local, regional and national heritage. I encourage people of all ages to take this opportunity to visit, tour and experience the buildings and streets on your doorstep and learn a little about the rich heritage of the region in which you live. Port Elizabeth and the Eastern Cape is full of heritage. Nation building enables history to be rewritten, and the apartheid legacy of devaluing and erasing the heritage of black South Africans from the consciousness of the nation to be reversed, facilitating healing and further weakening the feelings of â€Å"better†citizenship of one population group over the other. Attempts to reverse this and give back pride to the African, Indian and Coloured South Africans receive support from many people. This includes government efforts to teach children about African heroes and Africa’s contributions to world history and culture. Nation building is necessary to build trust, which is directly linked with stronger economic performance. If all South Africans were passionate and believed in each other and were not divided on many issues as we are, our country would perform better financially and this would improve international investments and job opportunities. We (South Africans) need to develop the same patriotism and passion that the Americans show to their flag and anthem. We can continue to rebuild our nation with our heritage by raising awareness. There are a lot of South Africans who do not know anything about the Heritage of our country, therefore, by having exhibitions, distributing leaflets, organising work groups (community and schools), quarterly newsletters distributed within the community, media exposure or maybe even raising awareness by means of radio shows , talks and shows, we can continue to build our nation. Only when all Africans own and cherish their cultural heritage, when they identify and embrace the majesty of Mapungubwe, when they speak and learn through their languages and can therefore dream, sing and dance in their own languages, shall we see rapid social economic development of the people of Africa. A nation needs a history. History buys you time to get rid of emotional responses and see things rationally. The English civil war, for example, has taught people of Royalist descent that a ruler who leeches the country for his/her personal benefits shouldnt be tolerated. On the other hand, descendants of Parliamentarians can see that its not enough just to chop off a bad kings head. You need something good to replace him with. England had eleven years of misery after beheading Charles 1, and couldnt wait to get another king. Nobody could understand that at the time because they were emotionally involved with one side or the other. It took time for both sides to overcome the hurts and prejudices, and to understand what happened, but eventually, they grew as a nation from the lessons learned. Heroes fall into two categories. They can either be people of great achievement (like Newton or Darwin) or they can reflect some aspect of national character (like Robin Hood or Scotlands William Wallace). Heroes are people that kids can look up to, people who inspire kids to achieve something, and that all helps to form a single national identity. A common identity the need to preserve it, promote it and keep it alive is a struggle of both individuals and many nations. Your identity is not only a current thing. It is originates from and is dependent upon the sum-total of your cultural heritage. All the things that your ancestors have done on the cultural front, i. e. their language, dances, rituals, dress, food and all that, contribute towards your present identity. As a young South African I feel that the youth of today need to learn and understand the events of the past so we can understand how to move forward in the best interests of all South Africans. I consider it essential for our future that we all stand behind a common identity namely our flag and anthem. Nation building is important and imperative to create a feeling of belonging and with it accountability and responsible behaviour. Efforts must be made to ensure that all cultures are respected and equal citizenship for all guaranteed. This is important because for centuries the dominant people in power aimed to diminish all culture and history of certain cultures and religions. This â€Å"past†obviously did not use heritage to build a nation in order to promote our understanding of a common humanity.
Monday, July 22, 2019
Information and Communications Technology Essay Example for Free
Information and Communications Technology Essay Executive Summary In the advance world of Information and Communications Technology, a lot of Information Systems has been developed to alleviate manual processes. These Information Systems comes in different projects. A good project depends on so many varying factors. The most important factor is having a very good Project Manager who is tasked to meet his members in order to plan the steps to be done in software development. He should be able to establish an open communication to his members so that ideas are free-flowing. The Project Manager is responsible for dividing the team, each with different task to do – that is to follow the systematic way in software project development- Project Life Cycle. Following the Project Life Cycle is another factor that can affect project success. If a member in a team does not possess a good working relationship and can hardly work in a group, chances are – the project is a total chaos. The members of the development team should share their knowledge and expertise in order to accomplish the best possible output and to deliver the project on the estimated data. A project also needs the attention of the owner. If the top management does not give 100% support to the project development team or does not support the computerization of many business processes, the company will not be able to accomplish its objectives. However, problems in software development can hardly be avoided. Problems occur anytime within the development of the project. The Project Manager as well as the members should anticipate problems and should be able to provide quick solutions so that the delivery of the project cannot be delayed. Project Development Introduction When a lot of work has been assigned, it is very tempting to stay late to get everything done before the next day. But according to a research, this is not a good practice because workers who have this kind of attitude are 61% more likely to suffer work-related injuries. (Reader’s Digest March 1996, 132) The above-mentioned attitude of an employee is of great help to the company because it just shows that they are dedicated to their job. In this way, projects assigned to these employees can easily be complied and can be submitted even before the deadline. Large companies should have these types of employees in order to deliver projects on time most especially in the field of Information Technology where all transactions happen in just a click. Because of the fast-paced advancement in the field of Information and Communications Technology, most; if not all; organizations nowadays want an Information System that can help them in their day-to-day business operations. This Information System is built to alleviate the burden that manual procedures bring. This also makes the organization be abreast with the latest technology and not be left behind by their competitors. In selecting a company that can answer the needs of big organization in terms of developing good software, the company needs to look for developmental organizations which can deliver projects on time and be able to complete the requirements being specified. Software Life Cycle Activities In order for companies to deliver projects on time, the software development group has to follow the Software Life Cycle. A project intended for large organizations should be broken down into smaller chunks to give enough attention to each of the smaller modules. In this way, the members of the group can focus on each phase and deal with problems, which arise while the realizing of each phase takes place, more systematically. The Software Life Cycle divides a large-scope project into the following six phases: Analysis and specification of the task (Savitch 1993, 115) Design of the software (Savitch 1993, 115) Implementation (coding) (Savitch 1993, 115) Testing (Savitch 1993, 115) Maintenance and evolution of the system (Savitch 1993, 115) Obsolescence (Savitch 1993, 115) The CHAOS study divided the project into three (3) types: Project Success – the project is completed successfully incorporating all the specified features, Project Challenged – the project is completed but with less features and delivered late and Project Impaired- the project is cancelled during the development cycle. The group conducted a survey and they found out that there are factors affecting each of the three types of project. Taking into consideration the Project Success category, it was found out that User Involvement has the highest percentage in terms of accomplishing the project. User involvement got 15.9% among all other factors. While the factor that really deterred a project success is Hardworking Staff. (Standish,1995) Based on the facts presented, one of the major factors why an organization/project succeeds is due to hardworking staffs. If only a certain company hires employees who can work under pressure and requires less supervision, surely the management can deliver to its customers the desired project even before the deadline. Project Challenged Factors are Lack of User Input (12.8%), Incomplete Requirements Specifications (12.3%), Changing Requirements Specifications (11.8%), Lack of Executive Support           (7.5%), Technology Incompetence (7.0%), Lack of Resources (6.4%), Unrealistic Expectations (5.9%), Unclear Objectives (5.3%), Unrealistic Time Frames (4.3%), New Technology (3.7%) and Other factors (23.0%). (Standish,1995) The data above shows that the major factor that contests a project is lack of user input. User involvement greatly helps a project’s success since users are the direct beneficiaries of the project. They can also contribute to the features that will be incorporated into the system. Developing a user-friendly application may be one criteria of a project success. A user-friendly application is needed so that the company need not conduct a month or two training just to teach the users on how to navigate through the system. A project can be anything an organization wants to accomplish to deliver to its customers. It should have definite goals and objectives. A good Project Management involves a proper organization, management, planning, supervising and controlling to bring out a successful project. One major challenges of a good project management is the accomplishment of its goals and objectives while adhering to the project’s scope, time and budget. Objectives of the project must be specific, measurable, realistic, and relevant to the environment and is time bounded. (Free Management Library, 1997-2008) The figure shows the procedures to be best followed by the management in developing a successful project. Figure 1.0: Project Life Cycle (Foote Crum, 2000) In addition, the following are the key aspects of a Project Life Cycle: Setting goals and estimating costs (Foote Crum, 2000) Before starting any project, a clear specification of the goals and objectives should be set so that the management has a clear guide as where the project is going. Costs should also be estimated for the management to prepare enough funds in the development of the project. The functional requirements study (Foote Crum, 2000) Functional requirements should be clearly specified so that the management can focus on these requirements and can research ways and means on how to meet these. But before finalizing the requirements of the project, the management has to conduct a feasibility on what are to be included and what are not and on what are best needed by the their clients. The creation of a prototype (Foote Crum, 2000) A prototype or an archetype should be first developed to see if the project is feasible or not. Prototypes serve as a sample output when the system will be completed. Presenting this one will give the management an idea of how the system will work and what benefits can it give to them.            In order for an organization to accomplish and deliver projects on time, they have to have a good set of workers who are willing to be trained to further enhance learning. Moreover, the following are the steps to a successful project: Scope out a detailed plan (Alexandrou, 2006) Watch out for bad RFPs bid (Alexandrou, 2006) Plan ahead (Alexandrou, 2006) Find the bottleneck (Alexandrou, 2006) Do not cut corners on testing (Alexandrou, 2006) Develop a backup system (Alexandrou, 2006) Prepare other contingency plans (Alexandrou, 2006) Train, train, train and train some more (Alexandrou, 2006) Be honest (Alexandrou, 2006) Triage fixes (Alexandrou, 2006) Additionally, other suggested steps that a company may carry to deliver good IT projects to its clients are listed below: Discover (JamesDeanWaryk, 1999-2008) Dreams (JamesDeanWaryk, 1999-2008) Desire (JamesDeanWaryk, 1999-2008) Decision (JamesDeanWaryk, 1999-2008) Destination (JamesDeanWaryk, 1999-2008) Direction (JamesDeanWaryk, 1999-2008) Daily action (JamesDeanWaryk, 1999-2008) Discipline (JamesDeanWaryk, 1999-2008) Determination (JamesDeanWaryk, 1999-2008) Delight (JamesDeanWaryk, 1999-2008) Destiny (JamesDeanWaryk, 1999-2008)            The above-mentioned steps can best be applied to an organization which has a good project manager that possesses the needed knowledge to perform all tasks and responsibilities assigned to him. A good leadership skill is also needed to inspire and garner respect from its team members and also from the top management. An outstanding project manager always conveys ideas in an articulate manner that resounds with the targeted audience and therefore should have a good communication skill. (Wu, 2005) On the other hand, there are also factors that greatly affects why a project fails. These IT projects fail because when the management does not able to deliver the project on time, it is over budget and the system does not work as required. The following are the reasons why an IT Project fails: (Coley Consulting, 2001-2007) Lack of user involvement (Coley Consulting, 2001-2007) A very important factor since the Information System is mainly built for users/customers. So, this Information System should be able to satisfy what users want and need. Long or unrealistic time scales (Coley Consulting, 2001-2007) If the group assigned to develop the Information System specifies unrealistic deadlines surely the system is a failure. Before setting deadlines, the group must consider the features incorporated in the system. Poor or no requirements (Coley Consulting, 2001-2007) Specifying the system’s requirements is an important aspect in project development but if the management fails to do so, the project is of no good. Scope creep (Coley Consulting, 2001-2007) The scope and limitation of the project should be clearly defined. No change control system (Coley Consulting, 2001-2007) There should be proper control over the system. Poor testing (Coley Consulting, 2001-2007) This happens when testing measures are not clearly established.            Moreover, projects fail due to stakeholder conflicts. Stakeholder conflicts can take part in many different roles in project failure. Frequently, stakeholders have personal reasons/conflicts for not being able to work as a team.   (Rosenfield, No year)            Furthermore, the following are various reasons why projects are not delivered on the schedule specified: Lack of senior management commitment (Wilson, 1998) When the top management does not give its 100% support to the project being developed, the project will not meet the deadline and eventually fails. Lack of user involvement (Wilson, 1998) As mentioned above, users should be involved in the development of the project because they should be the ones whom the management asked for the specifications the project should have. Lack of user requirements specifications (Wilson, 1998) User requirements specifications should be done during the planning stage to carefully analyze the features that are to be included in the system. Poor project planning (Wilson, 1998) Planning is the most critical step in software project development life cycle. The success of the project depends on the effort, skill and care applied in the planning stage. (Blair, No year) Project team problems (Wilson, 1998) Problems among members of the development team greatly affect their performance. This can lead to not being able to meet the requirements of the project, thus, not beating the deadline. To avoid these, the team leader must be able to control and supervise his members so that conflicts will not be experienced among themselves.            In today’s modern world, to deliver projects on time and making it sure that these projects meet the customers’ requirements and features, the management must hire workers who are good team players. A person who cannot work in a team will not be able accomplish any tasks given as a group. Good camaraderie should be as well fostered among team members so that a healthy environment is established and everybody can work freely. Conclusion            Any organization, may it big or small, always aim for success in their field. With the aid of the current trends in Information Technology, so many applications can now be applied. One of these is the utilization of an Information System. The development of an Information System should follow the systematic way so that a very good outcome results.            Project Life Cycle has indeed plays a very important role in the development of an Information System. The different steps in the cycle, if being carried out properly, results to a project delivered even before the delivery date schedule. The success of any project also lies in the knowledge and expertise of the team leader in the software development team. The team leader, having possessed all the expertise in the field of software development and very good managerial skills, can really motivate his members to work hard for the success of the project.            The project delivered by the software development team is the Information System being utilized by large-scale organizations. This Information System has helped all transactions in various aspects of the organization in so many different ways. Information System, if being delivered on time, brings a lot of positive results to the management side. This can boost up the company’s morale, thus, making the company more competitive in the world market.            Project Management is a very crucial task of a manager. Thus, having been equipped with the knowledge and expertise, the company can gain competitive advantage in the business field. Bibliography No Author. Reader’s Digest March 1996. Toil Smarter, Not Longer: 132. Savitch, Walter J. 1993. Turbo Pascal. Redwood City, CA: The Benjamin/Cummings Publishing Company Inc. The Standish Group. 1995. The Standish Group Report: CHAOS. (Accessed 23March2008). Free Management Library. 1997-2008. (Accessed 24March2008) Foote, Kenneth E., Crum, Shannon L. 2000. Project Planning and Life Cycle. (Accessed 24March2008) Alexandrou, Marios. 2006. Information Technology Blog: 10 Steps to a Successful Project. (Accessed 24March2008) JamesDeanWaryk. 1999-2008. How to 12 Steps to a Successful Project, Company or Life. (Accessed 24March2008) Wu, Jonathan. 2005. Characteristics of an Outstanding Business Intelligence Project Manager. (Accessed 24March2008) Coley Consulting. 2001-2007. Project Failure-The six key reasons why projects fail. (Accessed 24March2008) Rosenfield, Eric. No year. Why do projects fail? (Accessed 24March2008) Wilson, Sheila. 1998. Failed IT Projects. (Accessed 24March2008) Blair, Gerard M. No year. Project Planning. (Accessed 24March2008)
Sunday, July 21, 2019
The concepts of Taylorism and Fordism
The concepts of Taylorism and Fordism Taylorism is the attempt to make business decisions on the basis of data that is researched and tested quantitatively. Taylorism was advocated by Frederick Winslow Taylor, He considered it to be managements duty to identify ways in which costs could be accounted for precisely, so that efficiency could be improved. Fordism is the application of Henry fords faith in mass production run by autocratic management. This implies high division of labour and little workplace democracy, but with the consolation of high wages. Henry Ford was highly influenced by efficiency expert Frederick Taylor, he was the first to use scientific management techniques at his factory, Taylorism meant dividing vehicle production into uncomplicated repetitive steps there would be no need for skilled workers, men could learn to do any job quickly. In 1913 Ford introduced his most revolutionary change yet, his idea was, instead of workers moving around to assemble the product, why not get the product to move past the workers and thus he created the assembly line. Soon assembly lines were operational in fords factory. The lines became the key to mass production, a system that would remain nearly unchanged for most of the century. Few stood the pace of the mass production, workers began to quit, but ford was making record profits, so he could afford to increase pay. Henry Ford introduced the opportunity for a new pay system which was entirely different from Taylorism. It was a simple rule high pay for hard work. The new production methods which emerged in the early twentieth century were theorised initially, in 1911, by F. W. Taylor. Taylor coined his approach Scientific Management. Taylor had been trained as an engineer in a steel works. Taylor emphasised cooperation between management and workers. He aimed to increase productivity through reducing inefficiency caused, for example, by malfeasance. Believed that eliminating malfeasance would result in higher wages, shorter working hours, and better working conditions (Taylor, 1967, 15). Scientific management engaged a number of advances e.g. time and motion studies Division of labour is a process where you Break a job down into small, repetitive fragments, each of which can be done at speed by workers with little formal training. (David Lines, Ian Marcouse Barry Martin, 2006) The implications of the wage system is in equilibrium the quantity of labour demanded will be the same as the quantity of labour supplied so, the market will clear and there will be no unemployment. However, by paying an efficiency-wage, above the equilibrium wage rate, the labour market is thrown into disequilibrium, creating unemployment. Taylor used his time-and-motion studies to develop a productive division of labour system. Taylor argued that even the most basic, mindless tasks could be planned in a way that dramatically would increase productivity, and that scientific management of the work was more effective than the initiative and incentive method of motivating workers. The initiative and incentive method offered an incentive to increase productivity but placed the responsibility on the worker to figure out how to do it. To scientifically determine the optimal way to perform a job, Taylor performed experiments that he called time studies, (also known as time and motion studies). These studies were characterized by the use of a stopwatch to time a workers sequence of motions, with the goal of determining the one best way to perform a job. It was supported on the division of work, this breaks down the industrial processes into several simple operations that could be precisely timed and organised. Taylor advocated bureaucratization of the shop floor (through time and motion study) as a means to solve the problems of coordination and reintegration raised by the increasingly complex division of labour. (Ash Amin, 1996) A well applied Taylor system would improve the labour returns, although an important limitation of Taylorism is that it treats people like machines, or even (economic) animals, whereas they do not want to be treated as though they were. It is very monotonous work with little space for any creativity. In contrast with Taylor, Ford has a great insight in the market factors, he saw and exploited the fact that mass production needs mass markets. With Fordism every worker has a specific task in a limited space, while the car bodies moved along the assembly line. But the maximised productive efficiency of the assembly line production had its drawbacks. The main problems were the extremely high rates of absenteeism and labour turnover. The costs of these problems even exceeded the very low training costs of the workers. Another problem for Fordism like production plants is that the set up is extremely expensive, and it is also very difficult to alter a product because of the standardization. T>F or F>T because(150) Bi Taylor and Ford were respectively the main thinker and practitioner of scientific management / managerial control based in deskilling / decomposition. Taylorism / scientific management: an attempt to transform the organisation of work to enhance profitability and to reduce work control based in craft skills. The gap between management and labour therefore grew vastly when the management took control of organising the labour proccess. No longer was the skilled worker irreplacable. Now one worker was much the same as another, in fact the less skilled the worker the better in Taylorist factories. Stifles creativity Places people in vertical skill pipelines Reduces workforce flexibility demotivates many individuals Reduces teamwork Promotes boredom and staff churn Treats people as wealth producing units Promotes a division between workers and management Depending on your outlook, promotes unionism and collective bargaining Fordism is the organisation of work which extends the dynamics of Taylorism and in particular is centred on the use of the assembly-line. More broadly Fordism can be thought of as operating at the social level and centres on state efforts to harmonise mass production and mass consumption. Changes in patterns of consumption would therefore require changes in the work organization or else render Fordist production inappropriate. Some commentators have argued that such changes in consumption occurred towards the end of the twentieth century, and that now people are increasingly demanding specialized rather than standardized goods. They argue that instead of mass markets, there are niche markets, and that, to supply these markets, work must be organized in new ways which allow for greater flexibility. They label this new approach post-Fordism. the main changes from Fordism to post Fordism are flexible production or flexible specialization, customized production , vertical disintegration, cooperative network structure, creativity and innovation, new labour division. Taylorism and Fordism increasing productivity at the expense of employee job satisfaction Secondly, Fordism is a regime of accumulation. As a stable mode of macroeconomic growth it involves a virtuous circle of growth based on mass production, rising incomes linked to productivity, rising productivity based on economies of scale, increased mass demand due to rising wages, increased profits based on full utilisation of productive capacity and increased investment in improved mass production equipment and techniques. as a mode of regulation, Fordism appears linked to the Taylorist concepts and involves the separation of ownership from control in large corporations with a distinctive multi-divisional, decentralised organization subject to central controls. Thus, it is a mode of social and economic regulation that can also involve monopoly pricing, union recognition and collective bargaining, wages connected to productivity growth and retail price inflation with monetary emission and credit policies orientated to securing effective aggregate demand. Fordism can be seen as a general pattern of social organization. In this context it involves the consumption of standardised, mass commodities in nuclear family households and provision of collective, standardised goods and services by the bureaucratic state. It also manages the conflicts between capital and labour over both the individual and social wage the Taylorist organization of work: increasing intensification of work, deskilling, monotony and alienation lead to forms of resistance which affects the level of the regulatory interest-bureaucracy and increases costs regarding absenteeism, sloppiness and sabotage; Taylorism altered the way work takes place by(175) Fordism altered the way work takes place by(175) T>F or F>T because(150) Taylorism had a widespread influence, but in Japan working in teams was very important Both Taylorism and Fordism are justified in terms of enhancing production / profits but both require links to mass consumption. Both require large-scale production (and hence large-scale consumption) to be viable. Most effective overall in extending Smiths division of labour altering the way in which work takes place(250) Taylorism was a tool for monopoly capital to strengthen its position
Saturday, July 20, 2019
Aboriginal Cultures Essay -- Sociology, Culture
The Aborigines are one of the oldest, unaffected cultures that remain in our world today. Their historical culture and territory, in the past, was unaffected by the constantly evolving world. Until recently, their historic society has remained sacred, yet today they are undergoing a colossal fight. The Australian government and uranium mining industries are attempting to build new mine fields, bullying Aborigine tribes and their leaders into ultimately selling their land for future nuclear waste dump sites. Their culture should be preserved due to the fact that many cultures have diminished, modified, and changed as our society and world has; they are truly one of a kind. They don’t let the outside influences of money and technologies affect their lives; they are content and proud of their ancestors and should be given the right to preserve their history, passing it down from generation to generation. Macpherson (2010) found that: In June 2007 the Howard Coalition government used the Little Children are Sacred report into child abuse in remote Northern Territory Aboriginal communities to invade these communities under what it called the Northern Territory Emergency Response (NTER)†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. the Rudd Labor government has not only maintained the NTER, but also extended it. (para. 2) Basically, when tribe leaders decided to stand unified and decline the substantial financial offers, the companies began to look for a loophole. They, nor the government, have no interest in the Aborigine children, they just needed another bargaining chip, so to speak. Macpherson (2010) clearly sides with the ancient culture rights, stating that â€Å"The real intention of the NTER is the theft of more Aboriginal land through the destruction of Aborigina... other’s beliefs. BHP Billiton, an international mining monster, is about money and money alone; they are willing to make spur of the moment decisions just to sell their idea of why one should approve of uranium mining. BHP’s truths and realities are distorted due to the billions of dollars to be made. Even though a battle is still underway with between the tribes and the monstrous company, MacPherson (2010) stated â€Å"BHP still hopes to convince Canadian indigenous peoples of their bounty to them – promising jobs (mining) etc†(para.2). By taking a philosophical look into this current issue, many truths are exposed. From ethics, morality, and the significance of human freedom, many lines are crossed. By reviewing the Aboriginal dilemma, it provides an inside look on the effects of the uranium mining, as well as the thoughtlessness of those supporting it. Aboriginal Cultures Essay -- Sociology, Culture The Aborigines are one of the oldest, unaffected cultures that remain in our world today. Their historical culture and territory, in the past, was unaffected by the constantly evolving world. Until recently, their historic society has remained sacred, yet today they are undergoing a colossal fight. The Australian government and uranium mining industries are attempting to build new mine fields, bullying Aborigine tribes and their leaders into ultimately selling their land for future nuclear waste dump sites. Their culture should be preserved due to the fact that many cultures have diminished, modified, and changed as our society and world has; they are truly one of a kind. They don’t let the outside influences of money and technologies affect their lives; they are content and proud of their ancestors and should be given the right to preserve their history, passing it down from generation to generation. Macpherson (2010) found that: In June 2007 the Howard Coalition government used the Little Children are Sacred report into child abuse in remote Northern Territory Aboriginal communities to invade these communities under what it called the Northern Territory Emergency Response (NTER)†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. the Rudd Labor government has not only maintained the NTER, but also extended it. (para. 2) Basically, when tribe leaders decided to stand unified and decline the substantial financial offers, the companies began to look for a loophole. They, nor the government, have no interest in the Aborigine children, they just needed another bargaining chip, so to speak. Macpherson (2010) clearly sides with the ancient culture rights, stating that â€Å"The real intention of the NTER is the theft of more Aboriginal land through the destruction of Aborigina... other’s beliefs. BHP Billiton, an international mining monster, is about money and money alone; they are willing to make spur of the moment decisions just to sell their idea of why one should approve of uranium mining. BHP’s truths and realities are distorted due to the billions of dollars to be made. Even though a battle is still underway with between the tribes and the monstrous company, MacPherson (2010) stated â€Å"BHP still hopes to convince Canadian indigenous peoples of their bounty to them – promising jobs (mining) etc†(para.2). By taking a philosophical look into this current issue, many truths are exposed. From ethics, morality, and the significance of human freedom, many lines are crossed. By reviewing the Aboriginal dilemma, it provides an inside look on the effects of the uranium mining, as well as the thoughtlessness of those supporting it.
History Of The Intel Corporation :: essays research papers
History of The Intel Corporation      The Intel Corporation is the largest manufacturer of computer devices in the world. In this research paper I will discuss where, ehrn, and how Intel was founded, the immediate effects that Intel made on the market, their marketing strategies, their competition, and finally, what Intel plans to do in the future.      Intel didn't just start out of thin air, it was created after Bob Noyce and Gordon Moore first founded Fairchild Semiconductor with six other colleagues. Fairchild Semiconductor was going pretty well for about ten years when Bob and Gordon decided to resign because they were tired of not being able to do things the way they wanted to; they proceeded to establish a new integrated cicuits electronics company. Gordon suggested that semiconductor memory looked promising enough to risk starting a new company. Intel was born.      Intel made quite an impact on the industry soon after it was founded. The sales revenues jumped enormously through Intel's International exspansion to many countries including Europe and the Phillipines in the early 70's. From 1969 to 1970 Intel's revenues went up by almost four-million dollars! Today, Intel is one of the biggest companies pulling in billions and billions of dollars each year.      Intel has had many factors over the years that has allowed it to monopolize the computer industry thus resulting in small competition. First of all, Intel is almost 25 years ahead of it's competitors. Therefore, most companies are just starting out and have little or no effect on Intel's sales. Another reason is obviously Intel's reputation. They have built up such a standard of excellence that when someone hears the word Intel they think high- quality.      Intel's popularity, reputation, and revenues are a direct result of their marketing strategies. Again, one of the most important factors that has made Intel so sucessful is their reputation that has been built up since they started. The Intel Inside program which was launced in May of 1991 was a promotional campaign that placed the Intel Inside Logo on all computers
Friday, July 19, 2019
William T. Sherman Essay examples -- essays research papers
William T. Sherman SHERMAN, William Tecumseh (1820-91). Ranked second only to General Ulysses S. Grant as the greatest Northern commander in the American Civil War, Gen. William Tecumseh Sherman was a master of modern warfare. Like Grant, Sherman was born in Ohio when it was a frontier state. He was named Tecumseh for the Shawnee Indian chief who had terrorized that region a few years earlier. Sherman was born on Feb. 8, 1820, in Lancaster, Ohio. His father died when he was 9 years old. Most of the 11 children in the family were distributed among the relatives and friends. He was adopted by Thomas Ewing. After attending an academy at Lancaster, Sherman entered West Point. During the Mexican War he saw service in California. In 1853 he resigned his commission for a business, legal, and educational career. When Louisiana seceded from the Union, he was head of the state military academy (now Louisiana State University). He resigned his position and rejoined the army in May 1861. He was commissioned a colonel of volunteers and commanded a brigade in the first battle of Bull Run, on July 21, 1861. Three months later he was given charge of the Department of the Ohio (River). On taking over his new command he reported that 200,000 men would be needed to carry on a successful campaign in that region. Newspapers said that Sherman was crazy. Time proved him right, but popular protest cost him his command. Sherman's military genius was so outstanding that he could not long be k...
Thursday, July 18, 2019
Journal Article Critique “From common to uncommon Knowledge: Foundations of Firm-specific use of Knowledge as a Resource†Essay
Research question: â€Å"How can managers create uncommon knowledge when rivals have access to similar, commonly available knowledge?†(page 425) Author’s purpose: The importance of knowledge is well established in research. The knowledge-based theory considers knowledge as the most strategically significant resource of a firm. Notwithstanding, the authors illustrate that it is not known much about â€Å"how firms create, acquire, and apply knowledge better than other firms†(page 421). Nag and Gioia set up a qualitative study to develop an inductive model to reveal the processes how and under which circumstances managers transform common into distinctive knowledge. The foundry industry in the northeast and midatlantic United States served as study population. The authors conducted 53 interviews with CEOs and other key members involving 22 different foundries. Major conclusions: The model developed three dimensions how executives differ in the process from common to uncommon knowledge: executive knowledge schemes, executive scanning and uncommon knowledge use. The study indicates the personal impact of executive behavior how they identified, searched for and used uncommon knowledge: Under same external circumstances they act in different ways to address strategic situations. (1) Interpretation of the results The interviews were structured like following. There are three aggregated dimensions (executive knowledge schemes, executive scanning and uncommon knowledge use). Each of these dimensions consists of two second-order themes. These feed on the first-order categories which are coded quotes. Executive knowledge schemes mean how executives are determined towards theirs perceptions of knowledge. They are also called knowledge structures. A more detailed view onto these structures reveals that they consist first of the second-order-themes knowledge significance (criticality and distinctiveness relate to the importance of knowledge to the strategic performance of a firm). The usage of knowledge is mostly seen in three areas: technical effectiveness, operational efficiency and customer responsiveness. Second, the knowledge schemes consist of knowledge source (external accessibility, personal competence and lower-echelon knowledgeability relate to the usefulness and quality of different origins of knowledge). Executive scanning means the activity to acquire additional knowledge. It differs in the quantity and the character how managers search to extend the strategic resources. Scanning intensity describes the amount of time and effort managers invest to acquire new knowledge. The other second-order theme scanning proactiveness goes beyond the intensity in order to get better and other information than competitors do. Uncommon knowledge use means the application of knowledge to a firm’s challenges. As long as a foundry does not know how to use common knowledge for its own problems it does not have a competitive advantage of knowledge (it does define about costs as differentiation). Only if it is using uncommon knowledge it becomes distinctive knowledge and therefore turns into a competitive advantage. In the second-order themes this dimension is separated into knowledge adaption and knowledge augmentation. The first one describes how to use new knowledge to solve specific problems and generate new methods. The second one goes beyond; it is about understanding problems in principle. When you are familiar with the principle you can adapt knowledge to related problems and through that it is possible to generate new knowledge by you. Different emphases in second-order themes are more likely to be linked with certain emphases on another second-order theme (e.g. strong believe in technological effectiveness is associated with engaging in proactive scanning). Through those linkages Nag and Gioia were able to draw tree knowledge pathways. The knowledge adaption pathways describe the track how managerial distinctions emerge to knowledge adaption. The knowledge augmentation pathways describe the way to the augmentation of knowledge and the third track describes how it happens that uncommon knowledge is not used. In the knowledge adaption pathways executives consider knowledge as most important for operational efficiency. They believe it’s hard to obtain from external sources and they have confidence in their own knowledge but limited trust in workers’ knowledge. They are scan-ning intensively for knowledge and personally they had a greater share in knowledge work. Firms on that pathway are adapting knowledge and come more likely to an incremental development. In contrast described before in the knowledge augmentation pathways leaders have a strong confidence on own knowledge, on workers capabilities and they believe their know-ledge is distinctive and hard to imitate for competitors. Therefore they are scanning pro-actively and engaging others to knowledge work. These companies use uncommon know-ledge through augmentation. Radical innovations are more likely in those companies. On the path for no uncommon knowledge use the executives contribute knowledge mostly to raise customer’s responsiveness. They have low confidence in company’s knowledge, their own and in workers’ knowledge. Through low and infrequent scanning activity they reduce the information available and therefore they avoid uncommon knowledge usage. Companies on that path are less cost efficient than companies on the paths described before. (2) Strengths and weaknesses of the methodological approach In general the study appears consistent and methodologically well done. While interpreting participants the authors included quotations (‘in vivo’ codes) of the respondents in the paper to underline their interpretations. For â€Å"member checking†they organized two group discussions with executives to verify the findings. They had a grounded theory approach. Starting from the interviews they developed inductively the model. In a quite good manner they developed graphics illustrating their model which make the study easier comprehensible for outsiders. It could be criticized that the authors did not reveal their bias and research background to the topic. In 2006 Nag published his dissertation with the title â€Å"From common to uncommon knowledge: An investigation into the socio-cognitive foundations of inter-firm heterogeneity in the use of knowledge as a resource†. Gioia was the chair of the dissertation committee. The dissertation had the same study population from the foundry industry with partially identical interviewees. In that dissertation more and less detailed sketches of the model in the current paper were presented. Against this backdrop the inductive approach could be suspected. It is more likely that there already existed some detailed ideas how the outcome could look like. Maybe here is the reason why the authors presented the literature review in the beginning which is unusual for an inductive approach. But nevertheless the developed model seems to be fully founded in the data. It could be mentioned more clearly when actually common knowledge becomes uncommon knowledge. The kind of knowledge which is spoken about is not clear enough. For example in the dimension knowledge schemes there are mentioned market insights as well as technological insights. But concurrent the dimension uncommon knowledge usage is all about technological and process effectiveness issues. Furthermore following there are detailed critiques concerning the sampling and the interviews. Sampling The study population like chosen in the study is well defined and concrete: Firms belong with the same industry Saturated industry with a lot of established common knowledge (=same basis) and where uncommon knowledge is the way to compete Foundries have a comparable (low) complexity (
Wednesday, July 17, 2019
Development Of Greek Philosophy
Greek philosophical system emerged because of the following thinkers Thales, Pythagoras, Heraclitus, Parmenides, Socrates, Plato, and last but non least, Aristotle (Bennagen, 2000). This paper entitled, Development of Greek philosophical system intends to describe the thinkers involved, key schools, as wellnessy as their ideas. First stop is Thales, who emerged in 610 to 546 BC (Bennagen, 2000). He is said to be the first philosopher because of the fact that he motivate people to think that the world in all make up of pee (Bennagen, 2000).Second is Pythagoras, who came about in 582 to 507 BC (Bennagen, 2000). For Pythagoras, digit is the most essential thing in life (Bennagen, 2000). It was him who established the relationship amongst angles and sides of the right triangle which he afterwards technically referred to as the Pythagorean Theorem (Bennagen, 2000). three is Heraclitus, who presented itself from 535 to 475 BC (Bennagen, 2000). For him, everything continuously sw ops and that stability does not exist (Bennagen, 2000). True enough because regular those stable things, as they appear to be, are not (Bennagen, 2000).Examples include neutrons, electrons, and quarks (Bennagen, 2000). Fourth is Parmenides, who made himself known from 610 to 547 BC (Bennagen, 2000). He was the forefather of the school known as Eleatics (Bennagen, 2000). For him, change is unreal, it is merely an illusion (Bennagen, 2000). In plus to that, for him, universe or being is everlasting, fixed, and single(a) (Bennagen, 2000). He warns us that we should not ever trust our senses when it comes to what reality is (Bennagen, 2000). Fifth is Socrates, who emerged in 469 to 399 BC (Bennagen, 2000).Socrates focused on the health of the soul and thus, he motivated people to look further into ethics or morality instead of nature as the first four philosophers were deeply elicit in (Bennagen, 2000). Sixth is Plato (427 to 347 BC) who believes that reality is carve up into t wo the perfect and imperfect (Bennagen, 2000). He also presented his standard state and ideal leader to show his definition of reality (Bennagen, 2000). Last but not least is Aristotle who went to study things further using his senses, thence discovering science itself (Bennagen, 2000).ReferenceBennagen, P. (2000). Social, Economic, and Political Thought. Quezon metropolis UPOU.
Creative Writting Essay- the Things They Carried
While arse was telling the tosh most bloody shame Anne Bell, what was Mitchell Sanders thinking? Did he be untruthve the story? Was he sceptical? Here is an overview of exactly what he was thinking while listening to Rats story, and his opinion concerning certain aspects. As soon as Rat started telling me about that guy signalise Fossie who shipped his female child over to Vietnam to spend time with him, I couldnt believe it. He says he saying the whole thing, and that he was there when everything happened, but I doubt it Rat is the type of guy who would lie to get his story more interesting.But anyhow, I hold for him to tell me the story even though I was very sceptical about the whole thing. It almost seemed like he was fooling me. So I crossed my arms, and let him amuse me with his anecdote. Although Rats source was Fossie himself, the story seemed so over the top, Mary Anne arriving as such a sweet girl just out of high school and change state one with the nature in the end. It is overwhelming how multitude can change depending on the environment they ar put in, I thought. I had to stop Rat once, because he was totally wrecking the tone of the story.He had no consistent sound He still was fit to keep my attention until the end, mostly because I was so anxious to hear what he was going to dismiss at me as a conclusion conditioned his information was thirdhand. I was getting pretty impatient(p) and of course, when Rat came to tell the end of the story, it was not at all what I had expected. Never would I fool thought a simple girl could harbor transformed into a totally different individual one ready for the kill. The story wasnt clean-living and there was no point to it. Thats what make it seem so true.
Tuesday, July 16, 2019
Ray Bradbury Research Paper Essay
tool Douglas Bradbury was natural in Waukegan, Illinois, on majestic 22, 1920. He is the intelligence of Leonard Spaulding Bradbury and Esther Marie Moberg Bradbury. irradiation be Los Angeles juicy School. He was energizingal in the swordplay hostel and mean to be an actor. Bradburys buckram program line stop with his steep in salv duration get-go in 1938. However, he proceed to train himself by expenditure his nights in the library. virtuoso of Bradburys best- cognize works, Fahrenheit(postnominal) 451, was released in 1953. It is set out(a) in the proximo in which a undemocratic g completely overning has out(p) the write word. To solar day, radiation therapy and Maggie Bradbury elapse to liberalization in Los Angeles. radiotherapy Bradbury dummy up writes cursory and now and again lectures. At an age when closely hu mankindly concern creationpower inhabit on their laurels, Bradbury trunk a participating vote counter and reader of ove rt answers to unimaginable nexts.(Jepsen and Johnson 4) scape Bradburys penning dah has unendingly been sack outn to be poetic without cosmos overblown it communicates nonfigurative bringing close togethers with layman footing and engages our senses. ( radiation Bradbury board) I respect Bradburys make make use of of of ridicule in stories, scarce especi whollyy in A unsounded of smack when the cleanup of a chat up switch overs all of civilization. The succinct storey is astir(predicate) this souse man named Eckles who pays this clip multifariousness of location ships guild to begin him dressing to prehistoric metres, so he weed chase for a dinosaur. These dinosaurs cut out been selected because a former panorama targetd that they would stop genuinely in goldbrick any itinerary. Although this purportedly gets al intimately the riffle effect, it preferably pellucidly does nona flaw in system of logic that Bradbury himself undoub tedly recognized.A lead of nail is active a sozzled man who has purchased a realise in a capture voyage named Eckles. The term traveling company doesnt indispensableness diseases brought to the ag integrity, so they cede put on environmental suits and they leave as well be ask to base on balls on an soaring platform. Bradbury provides an smooth comment of the burp effect, video display how wiz grim change patronageside cypher over thousands of generations until it has the potential contravention to change the world beyond recognition. nevertheless attach dinosaurs atomic number 18 allowed to be killed.Surveys ar conducted to shoot the breeze which dinosaurs should be label and would collapse course anyway. Then, Eckles panics from sightedness a tyrannosaur appear, on that pointof move despatch the platform. The instrument is dead, moreover the puff is lifelessness hot because Eckles could earn changed the future. ahead they traveled clog in time, a modify option ends with a would-be(prenominal) dictator losing, but upon returning, there ar some changes in the room, which the company notices as differences for reasons that Bradbury never explains. The or so clayey difference is that the election gist is different. The novelty of hi recital occurred because, when Eckles left-hand(a) the course of study, he unwittingly timbreped on and killed a butterfly. ( go into DAmmassa 1)When exercise A voice of relish, I sight move when Bradbury used auspicate. oneness and only(a) type of bodeing in Bradburys short story is Lesperances story to Eckles on the dangers of small changes in the past having catastrophic make on the future foreshadow the changes that occur. The unremitting warnings to quench forward the path indicate that Eckles go forth leave the path. some other exemplar of predict is when Eckles says, Does this hunting expedition imprimatur I line up back vital? They rep ly, We indorsement zippo This in my intellection gives me the idea that the effort moldiness be sort of heartbreaking and anyone doing such an act occupy a superfluity of courage. at that place are numerous examples of bode in A pass away of Thunder. gibe Bradbury trunk a dynamic teller and contributor of obvious answers to infeasible futures.(Jepsen and Johnson 4) He writes stories in obligate slipway that involve very(prenominal) interwoven ideas and he makes it childly to pull in while still existence in an nimble way. one situation citation Bradbury has state that I venerate is, both break of the day I put up out of grapple and step on a landmine. The landmine is me. later on the explosion, I spend the rest of the day set the pieces together.(beam Bradbury summon 1) Bradburys use of irony is believably one of his to the highest degree illustrious committal to writing traits along with his way of organism poetic, without being pretenti ous. In conclusion, diversify Bradbury entrust go down in memorial as one of the most far-famed recognition assembly writers of all time tied(p) though, he never considered himself a apprehension fiction writer. How humorous?Sources scalawagDAmmassa, Don A live of Thunder encyclopaedia of cognizance illustration Facts on File, Inc., 2005 Chris Jepsen, and Richard Johnson. Facts to the highest degree emit Bradbury quill Bradbury Xplore Inc, 2012. http//www.brainy Ray Brabury sum Board http// / hypertext mark-up language/000463.html Bleiler, Richard attainment apologue Writers second ed. refreshful York Charles Scribners Sons Mittnacht, veronica 10 Things you didnt know about Ray Bradbury http//flavorwire.come/106189/10-things-you-didnt-know-about-ray-bradbury
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