Thursday, October 31, 2019
International financial reporting standards (IFRS) - Presentation PowerPoint
International financial reporting standards (IFRS) - - PowerPoint Presentation Example Receiving a single set of overall guidelines will simplify accounting procedures by permitting an organization to utilize one reporting dialect all through. A single standard will also provide investors and auditors with a cohesive view of finances. As of now, more than 100 nations allow or oblige IFRS for open organizations, with more nations anticipated that would move to IFRS by 2015. Advocates of IFRS as a worldwide standard keep up that the expense of executing IFRS could be balanced by the potential for compliance to enhance credit scores. The list of the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRSs) and official interpretations are set out by the IFRS Foundation. It incorporates accounting standards either created or embraced by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB), the standard-setting assortment of the IFRS Foundation. The value of financial data is improved on the off chance that it is comparable, understandable, convenient and justifiable (ie improving qualitiesâ€â€less discriminating yet at the same time exceptionally alluring) †¢ To an extensive degree, money related reports are in view of evaluations, judgements and models instead of careful delineations. The Framework creates the ideas that underlie those evaluations, judgements and models In UAE, the bookkeeping calling is spoken to by the Accountants and Auditors Association. In the UAE organizations set up their yearly budgetary explanations inside 2 to 3 months of the end of the monetary year. For the banking industry, as indicated by Central Bank Circular No 20/99, banks, monetary foundations and venture organizations in the UAE are obliged to set up their money related explanations as per the International Accounting Standards with impact from January 1, 1999. In 2006, the Dubai International Financial Centre legitimate system obliges banks and organizations recorded on the Dubai International Foreign Affairs to execute IFRS. All banks recorded
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Public health international perceptives Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words
Public health international perceptives - Essay Example The foundation of public health as advanced by the Canadian government and societies agitate for a healthy society and its people; under the Ottawa charter for health promotion, health promotion is defined as the continuous effort to achieve health for the society. This effort supersedes the basic desires of making health information available to the public, and involves the empowerment of citizens to control their health and to work towards improving their health. In the promotion of public health, the Canadian government has ensured continuous focus on the entire population and sub-populations that may share health problem or concerns. This is based under the ‘population of interest’ and the ‘population at risk’ policy (Taske et al, 2005). In the implementation of the public health promotion program, the Canadian government has established bodies that conduct annual and regular assessments of the health status of the entire population. This is carried out through a community health assessment process facilitated by community health organizations and workers. Public health also has major determinants that must consider in any program that seeks to promote and raise the standards of public health. The public health agency of Canada has a broad classification of health determinants that provides guidance to any process that seeks to uplift the health of the population. The health contributing factors include the income and social status of the population and the presence of social support networks; in addition, education and literacy level of the population are parameters of public health. The social environment, employment status, physical environment and personal health practices are also important health determinants that shape any public health promotion program in the country (Hills, 2004). Primary prevention of new infections is an important public health variable that must also be considered before initiating any health promotion programs. This is well defined and coordinated in Canada under the public health promotion acts. In primary prevention, the source of the infection is dealt with well before any threat of infection is reported. This prevents any infection from occurring and helps in the reduction of health and social inequalities in the society. The development of public health across the world was a continual process that was facilitated majorly by the high level of new diseases that were affecting the entire population. Diseases such as tuberculosis, sexually transmitted infections, HIV/AIDS and a number of other highly contagious diseases necessitated the intervention of different governments. The development of public health in Canada occurred in a well coordinated and progressive manner necessitated again by the high emergence of new infections and endemics. The country today has legal bodies that are mandated to ensure the promotion health and the prevention of diseases (ACPHHS, 2005). The co untry has a number of measures that it has adopted over the years to ensure public health promotion and development in the country. To achieve the mandates set forward for these institutions, the public health sectors of Canada have also initiated a number of partnership programs aimed towards ensuring the high cost of maintaining a healthy society and country is shared. The major players
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Digital SLR
Digital SLR Digital SLR In the late 1970s, compact cameras that were capable of making images on their own were introduced. Kodak was the one who produced the first digital camera back in 1991 and it was even advanced enough to be used by professionals. Throughout history, photography has greatly changed, as technology has revolutionized. During the 20th century the pace of technology development in cameras and photography continued at an accelerated pace much like many other key technology developments, just like how a digital camera evolved into a DSLR. What is a DSLR? What are its special features, outer appearance and additional accessories? A DSLR is a professional camera that has special features, outer appearance, and additional accessories. One of the special feature of a Digital SLR camera is that they have special sensors that prevent dust from attaching to the cameras sensor which is important because dust on your sensor shows up as black smudges in all your photos. Aperture/Shutter mode is also a special feature for it allows the user to take more control over the image without worrying about exposure. For example changing the shutter speed determines whether that soccer goalie is frozen in mid air or if her hands and feet are blurred. Which is more desirable depends on whether youre trying to show critical detail or convey a sense of motion. Lens aperture determines depth of field in an image. When it comes to outer appearance, people rarely think about what color or how big and bulky their DSLRs are, for as long as it has its great and suitable features, but if you are really asking about the colors, the common colors for DSLRs are black, white, and silver. All DSLRs are larger than the normal camera because it has all this technology compressed into one. Additional accessories would be an advantage in owning a DSLR, for example, you cannot operate or even open a DSLR without its battery. One of the easiest ways to start immediately taking better photos with your camera is to start implementing the use of different lenses for different situations. For example, you will want to get a good high quality macro lens which will allow you to take very detailed pictures of small things or portions of things such as tree bark or skin pores. A macro lens is the one you want to do those close up in detail photos. A zoom lens on the other hand is the opposite of a macro lens, it lets you zoom in on things that are far or very far away. This is great for people taking photographs of animals in nature. In addition to lenses, you can use filters to enhance your photography and keep your camera protected from the elements at the same time. An example of a filter is a warming filter, a warming filter is a filter that naturally warm skin tones and colo rs in your photographs to give them a more polished and professional appearance. An advantage of a DSLR is its Image quality that it produces, for it is higher than most digital cameras. The most significant performance advantage of a DSLR is in terms of speed. Focusing speed is important when capturing a moving subject. The faster a camera can focus, the faster it will take a picture. I recommend people to select their DSLRs according to what they are going to use the camera for, for example for people, for professional pictures, or for just vacation photos. The body of the camera doesnt make a difference, but a good quality lens makes all the difference in the world. Sources: Vercillo, K. ( N. D). Must-have digital SLR accessories for taking better pictures. Retrieved February 24, 2010, from Rowse, D. (N. D). How to choose a DSLR camera. Retrieved March 21, 2010, from
Friday, October 25, 2019
Greece :: essays research papers
Greece has an area of 50,949 square miles and is located at the southern end of the Balkan Peninsula. The area of Greece is approximately the same as that of England or the U.S. state of Alabama. Greece is located in Southern Europe between Albania and Turkey. The country is bordered to the west by the Ionian Sea, to the south by the Mediterranean Sea, and to the east by the Aegean Sea; only to the north and northeast does it have land borders. The basically Mediterranean climate of Greece is subject to a number of regional and local variations occasioned by the country’s physical diversity. The people of Greece usually experience mild, wet winters and hot, dry summers. In all seasons, especially in summer, the quality of light is one of Greece’s most appealing attractions.      The Greek landscape is conspicuous not only for its beauty but also for its complexity and variety. Greece is dominated by three elements: the sea, mountains, and the lowland. Arms and inlets of the sea penetrate deeply so that only a small, wedge-shaped portion of the interior mainland is more than fifty miles from the coast. Islands make up roughly eighteen percent of the territory of modern Greece. Approximately eighty percent of Greece is mountain terrain, much of it deeply dissected. A series of mountain chains on the Greek mainland enclose narrow parallel valleys and numerous small basins that once held lakes. The last dominant feature of the Greek landscape is the lowland. The lowland makes up about twenty percent of the land area and it has played an important role in the life of the country.      Approximately eleven million people live in Greece today. All but a very small part of the population belong to the Church of Greece (Greek Orthodox Church). The Muslim minority, which constitutes most of the non-Orthodox group, is mainly Turkish. Roman and Greek Catholics account for the rest, except for a few thousand adherents of Protestant churches and of Judaism. In terms of ethnic composition, Greeks make up all but a small part of the total, the remainder being composed of Macedonians, Turks, Albanians, Bulgarians, Armenians, and Gypsies. Despite a rapid rate of growth in the post-World War II period, Greece’s economy is one of the least developed in the European Union (EU). Rates of productivity remain low in both the agricultural and industrial sectors, and the development of the country’s economy has lagged behind that of its EU partners. Greece :: essays research papers Greece has an area of 50,949 square miles and is located at the southern end of the Balkan Peninsula. The area of Greece is approximately the same as that of England or the U.S. state of Alabama. Greece is located in Southern Europe between Albania and Turkey. The country is bordered to the west by the Ionian Sea, to the south by the Mediterranean Sea, and to the east by the Aegean Sea; only to the north and northeast does it have land borders. The basically Mediterranean climate of Greece is subject to a number of regional and local variations occasioned by the country’s physical diversity. The people of Greece usually experience mild, wet winters and hot, dry summers. In all seasons, especially in summer, the quality of light is one of Greece’s most appealing attractions.      The Greek landscape is conspicuous not only for its beauty but also for its complexity and variety. Greece is dominated by three elements: the sea, mountains, and the lowland. Arms and inlets of the sea penetrate deeply so that only a small, wedge-shaped portion of the interior mainland is more than fifty miles from the coast. Islands make up roughly eighteen percent of the territory of modern Greece. Approximately eighty percent of Greece is mountain terrain, much of it deeply dissected. A series of mountain chains on the Greek mainland enclose narrow parallel valleys and numerous small basins that once held lakes. The last dominant feature of the Greek landscape is the lowland. The lowland makes up about twenty percent of the land area and it has played an important role in the life of the country.      Approximately eleven million people live in Greece today. All but a very small part of the population belong to the Church of Greece (Greek Orthodox Church). The Muslim minority, which constitutes most of the non-Orthodox group, is mainly Turkish. Roman and Greek Catholics account for the rest, except for a few thousand adherents of Protestant churches and of Judaism. In terms of ethnic composition, Greeks make up all but a small part of the total, the remainder being composed of Macedonians, Turks, Albanians, Bulgarians, Armenians, and Gypsies. Despite a rapid rate of growth in the post-World War II period, Greece’s economy is one of the least developed in the European Union (EU). Rates of productivity remain low in both the agricultural and industrial sectors, and the development of the country’s economy has lagged behind that of its EU partners.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Euthanasia: Morally Right or Ethically Wrong
Euthanasia has gained a bad reputation within the public eye due to negative media encircling assisted suicide; euthanasia has a purpose and a goal, it should be seen as humanely releasing the soul of a human being from an emptiness created occasionally by our merciless society. This paper will delineate whether Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide are morally right or ethically wrong. Euthanasia is often confused with and linked to assisted suicide, definitions of the two are vital. Two viewpoints are located within the body of this paper.The first viewpoint will support euthanasia or the â€Å"right to ii,†the second viewpoint will support anti-euthanasia or the â€Å"right to live†. Each perspective shall attempt to clarify the legal, moral and ethical ramifications of euthanasia and assisted suicide as well as include a personal example of each to detail the ending results.The term euthanasia has many definitions. The Pro-Life Alliance defines euthanasia as ‘Any a ction or omission intended to end the life of a patient on the grounds that his or her life is not worth living. The Voluntary Euthanasia Society refers to the word's Greek origins – ‘e' and ‘thanks'-, which together mean ‘a good death. An updated and loosely modern definition is ‘A good death brought on by a doctor providing methods or an injection to bring a peaceful end to the ultimate process of passing on. There are three different sub-classifications of euthanasia passive euthanasia, physician-assisted suicide and active euthanasia although not all groups would acknowledge them as valid terms (BBC News, 1999).There are two main types of patients that euthanasia may aid specifically, (1 ) patients that are in a persistent vegetative state, that are awake but are not aware of one's self or of their surroundings. Such patients eave no higher brain activity and are maintained by artificial life support: respirators, heart-lung machine, and intra-veno us nutrition.These types of methods do nothing more than prolong the inevitable and sustain a person in a never-ending life that will never go anywhere beyond these machines. 2) Patients in which are bound by a terminal illness that causes them a lot of pain, psychological suffering and loss of their dignity. This patient may or may not be on life-support depending on the severity of their illness. However, there are many different types of Euthanasia that can be examined when it moms to helping someone rid him or herself of a life of unnecessary pain. Here are the different types and their definitions among society: Euthanasia generally refers to an easy or painless death, in other words merciful.Voluntary Euthanasia includes a request by the dying patient or that person's legal representative, proving their approval to continue. Passive or Negative Euthanasia involves not doing something to prevent the patience requested death, which is, allowing someone to die. Assisted suicide, a distant cousin of euthanasia, is when a person wishes to commit suicide but feels unable to execute the act alone because of a physical disability or lack of knowledge on what would be the most effective means in doing so.An individual, who assists in an assisted suicide and helps the suicide victim in accomplishing their goal, may or may not be an accessory or be held responsible for the death, depending on local laws. Without a doubt, today's dying methods has become fearsome. Physicians are now in possession of the technologies and the skills needed to avert natural death almost indefinitely. More often then not, the terminally ill suffer unnecessary pain and are kept alive without any ell hope or expectations of surviving, as families stand watch waiting for the inevitable while still holding hope at the same time.U. S. District Judge Barbara Rottenest wrote is no more profoundly personal decision, nor one which is closer to the heart of personal liberty, than the choice which a terminally ill person makes to end his or her own suffering Shilling, '94). The pro-euthanasia or â€Å"right to die†movement has received extensive support with the passage of laws in 40 states by 1990; this has allowed competent patience the legal privilege of making a â€Å"living will. These living wills give doctors the authority to withhold life-support, should the patient request it if the individual becomes terminally ill.Having choices, including having the legal right for help to die is a pinnacle of hope within itself. This allows people to take control Of their lives and accomplish things on their terms; this is a very important part of being human and of living. The issue of euthanasia is, by its very nature, a very difficult and private choice. Therefore, euthanasia should remain exactly that, a choice and a private one at that. It is a choice that should not be legislated or restricted by opposing forces or opinions.Euthanasia is a matter that should stay between the patient, the family, the doctor and God. Life is a precious gift received from the Creator with gratefulness and appreciation; individuals should cherish, preserve, and enhance life in every way possible. However, when the possibility for a meaningful, joyful, desirable life has been thoroughly depleted and every effort has been made to avoid the inevitable, then the United States should make it legal for the merciful to show mercy to the dying ho request help and understanding to end their torment.My father on my husband's side, who had cancer, received euthanasia 6 years ago. He had chemotherapy radiation; the side effects that he endured were loss of appetite, becoming lethargic, fatigue, loss of color in skin, fever, chills, weight loss, night sweats and extreme pain. They told him that it was not going into remission and that it had spread throughout his body. According to the doctors, my father in law had maybe a year at most and even then, he would have to be hosp italized due to the pain and having chemotherapy done.After achieving this information, my father opted for euthanasia instead of having to endure a year of pain and suffering with his family watching him deteriorate. So he said his goodbyes, took care of necessary business and arranged things financially for his family before the process was performed. He then had his wife and children in with him during the procedure as he received a huge dose of painkillers and then a drug, that I am not familiar with, that led him to his death painlessly.Having the opportunity to have this type of say and control over his death, think, made the process a little mother and easier to endure. He got to accomplish what many do not get the chance to accomplish, he was able to set his finances straight, make sure his loved ones were taken care of and say his goodbyes to the ones he loved. To me this was a huge relief in knowing that he was allowed to have this type of help and closure before he left t his world.I also believe that this method not only helped my father in-law but it also helped his immediate and non immediate family except the inevitable and have time to process it, so as to handle the grieving process. To some, Euthanasia is nothing less than cold- blooded killing; others would consider it premeditated murder and consider those assisting in it an accessory to murder. In addition, they believe Euthanasia steals away the one thing that gives us a reason for existence, a life in which we choose to live. It also depreciates life, much like the enormous issue of abortion.People against Euthanasia, deem it as morally and ethically wrong and think the government should outlaw it in these United States. It is true that modern medicine has evolved excessively throughout the enervation, so much so that abolitionists' believe that euthanasia in itself resets these medical advances back by years. Our Surgical Physicians alone are known as Administrators of Death; this is a s ide effect of the outcome of euthanasia. Some believe that euthanasia is unacceptable within our society because of a multitude of reasons.Many who are against euthanasia being legalized are apprehensive because they dread that if it is then there will be many who die for needless reasons and they believe that there will be a rampage of â€Å"mercy killings†going on as an excuse for murder. Others believe that it is and always will be an immoral thing to take one's life from them when we were not the ones to give it to them. Also many medical physicians also oppose euthanasia because they say that in assisting one in suicide is violating our dignity and ‘litotes one's will to survive.When it comes to doctors, there is also The Hippocratic Oath in which they need to take into consideration. The Oath of Hippocrates is believed to have originated in approximately the fifth century B. C. And, even then, it incorporated a specific ledge against physician-assisted suicide wh en it said, â€Å"l will give no deadly medicine to anyone, even if asked. †It is recommended that a person suffering from an incurable or terminal illness is not completely in command of their mental capabilities and thereby incapable of such an extraordinary decision.In addition, a degraded mental capacity within a patient rules out any realistic thinking concerning survivors. Euthanasia is a very contentious topic. People dispute whether a person who is terminally ill, or handicap, should have the right or not to ask their doctor, or relatives to die by euthanasia. People say that dying by euthanasia is to die with self-respect, instead of living an artificial life by prolonging death on respirators and other life support machines. My personal outlook on this matter is one of minority.I believe that if a person is diagnosed terminally ill, and finds that there is nothing anyone can do for them, then why they should have to suffer and endure days, weeks, months or maybe ev en years in pain and agony is beyond me. Not only do they suffer but their family suffers alongside them also. They watch as their condition gets worse and continues to deteriorate, ND then they have to live with the vision of a person lying there helpless, not able to feed themselves, get out of bed, or talk to them for the rest of their lives.When instead they could have lived remembering their loved one as they were before they were diagnosed as terminally ill and began to die slowly. Recently, my grandmother, who was suffering from Alchemist's disease (AD), died in my Aunts guest bedroom where she had been staying and taken care of by my aunt and uncle for the last four years of her life. My grandmother lived in England, where she was born, raised and died, she did tot have the option of euthanasia nor did my aunt or uncle who struggled with her through the end.My aunt and uncle went through the pain emotionally before it ever affects my grandmother physically. They took care of a shell for four years that use to house their mother; we lost my grandmother in 2007 spiritually however her physical body was still active and with us but empty. My grandmother could not remember any of her children or her grandchildren, nor could she remember family and friends in general. She would fight my aunt and uncle all the time thinking that they had detained her because she had no idea who they were or where she was.She had caused harm to herself as well as family members that tried to help her or care for her. She eventually forgot how to do simple things that are second nature to us all, such as showering, brushing her teeth, combing her hair and dressing herself. She continued to deteriorate more and more over the years, to the point where she had forgotten how to do vital things such as walk, eat, drink, go to the bathroom and even communicate. She was not physically in pain until the point of forgetting the vital actions, then she began o dehydrate and starve, her body began to shut down due to this.She was then attached to a feeding tube and life support, as by that point she had also just stop breathing occasionally and needed help in doing so. She stayed on life support for 6 months, until the decision was made to take her off and then she lasted for a week as her body withered away due to lack of water and food. We were reassured that she died with no pain but the look on her face showed differently and I could only imagine what she might have gone through and what We could have possibly spared her had We had the option f euthanasia.With every example given of euthanasia, there are some people who agree, and some who are dead set against it. There are comprehensible and logical reasons why some people are against euthanasia. Most people want their loved ones with them until their day has actually come for them to die. It might give people an understanding that it is all right to kill oneself. While the patient is lying in bed, some clinic , or scientist, might find a cure for the very disease that said patient is dying from and be able to cure them.For medical reasons they may be able to find out more about a retain disease to be able to further the search for the cure while someone has it. As many times, as you consider the idea of euthanasia you will find just as many pros as cons. Maybe we have to Start thinking like the people in the hospital beds, who are unable to walk, talk, feed themselves, think for themselves, or even breathe for themselves. On the other hand, even from the perspective of the family members who have to watch their own flesh and blood suffer and dwindle into nothing right before their eyes?
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Hindu Religion And Women
Hindu goddesses are traditionally conceived to be strong figures,even indomitable ones. By comparing his female characters to these goddesses, Rushdie attributes them with a force of character. He perceives India as a matriarchy, where maternal power, energy, and love is the means to social cohesion. (Jennifer Takhar) Durga, the washerwoman who had nursed Saleems son in his sickness, is an important figure in Saleems life. As we understand from the description of her (pg:445), she is a powerful woman who is an opposite image of the docile Indian woman. She may be representing the power that is repressed in these women. Saleem fears her as she symbolizes the hope that he has lost. Her name, even before I met her, had the smell of new things; she represented novelty, beginnings, the advent of new stories, events, complexities, and I was no longer interested in anything new. (pg:445) She is again the one who foretold Saleem’s death. So, these kind of women as witches inspired fear in Saleem. Like Durga, Parvati-the-witch, who is Shivas wife, is another important figure. She causes in creating their child which is necessary for the continuation. Mother was seen as a nation. There is parallelism between continuity of nation through having children. Women have roles in productivity; that is why they are important. Parvati acts as somebody restoring order. She helps Saleem return to Delhi by using her magic basket, making him invisible. Parvati reminded Saleem of things he had tried to put out of his mind. (pg:389) So, we can say that she influenced Saleem as other women, as being representator of a nation. When we come to other women in Saleems life, for example Mary Pereira. She is the one who gives birth to Saleem; she creates him in both biological sense and metaphorical sense. She changes the babies and at the same time fates. Out of guilt, she attaches her whole destiny to Saleems life by becoming his caretaker. She also influences the class positions of the babies. (Saleem and Shiva) The pickling process which is a process of preservation, linked to preservation and continuity of traditions metaphorically, is significant. This food process is under control of females and it is an important source of authority and identity for the women. It is the preservation of the past. The womens way is practical, oral; it is a way of transmitting tradition we can say. Pickling process is only a symbol of this transmission. So, Mary P. , like the other women in Saleems life has great effect on Saleem. Reverend Mother, on the other hand, who is the bride behind perforated sheet turns out to be the head of the family. She is also very powerful. She becomes the head after the marriage. She preserves identity of the nation. She is like the other women; asserts her authority in cooking. Her food, for example, revives Ahmed Sinai after freeze. She uses food as battleground where she wages her battles against her husband. We see the monitoring of food, so simple and practical but can influence men. It is this simplicity of mothers, their affection influnces Saleem. To Saleem women, like India, is nothing without its past. no escape from past acquaintance. What you were is forever who you are. (pg:368) And this connection to past is through these women. They are the ones who create nation and preserve it like the pickles. Amina, Saleems mother, changes and influences his life also. He sees her naked in the bathroom and witnesses her unfaithfullness on the phone. All this causes him to have some kind of explosion in his head and that explosion causes him to hear voices in his head. It is the birth of Midnights Children.. He sees mother, motherland, the nation-India-,earth is not pure as he identifies women with the nation. Identification is between the country and the body of the woman, especially mother. He sees the body of woman as the country and he should protect country as well as honor of mother. But seeing her motheris not pure, the discovery of impurity in mother will bring crisis in his head- the multiplicity of nation-. The body is homogeneous as anything. Indivisible, a one-piece suit, a sacred temple, if you will. It is important to preserve this wholeness. (pg:237) Padma,whom Saleem exchanges opinions about how to tell a story is another significant figure. While he writes, his illiterate listener, Padma, sits beside him showing her emotional responses to his stories, questioning their credibility. When Padma shows interest on her face, Saleem speeds on telling his story. She keeps questioning what is next.. She encourages him to write which is the only gift Sallem has for continuity, preservation. Padma is important as a caretaker; providing warmth, food, human kindness to Saleem. She is India for him, connected to all country as a mother. She has earthly characteristic. She emerges as an earthly, stable, real, practical woman that ties her to the motherland. That is why, according to me, she is the most important character in this novel. But although she is a preserver for Saleem, she unwillingly poisons him by feeding him with things she thinks hell be ni love with her. It is a poison which is also a cure; both nourishing, reviving, perserving and also poisonous,destructive. She is like India creating him. And ceratinly Padma is leaking into me. As history pours out of my fissured body, my lotus is quietly dripping in, with her down-to-earthery, and her paradoxical superstition, her contradictory love of the fabulous (pg:38) In short, women had important role in Saleems life. They are the mothers, the creators of men. If they were not on earth, no continuity would take place; there would be no world. Saleem is afraid of them also because although they create him as nation creates men; they also prepare the fall of men. They both give significance and at the same time destroys. They can take away the identity as in Saleem. Saleem is the nation also as he creates; he writes. He tries to create meaning and form. And women help Saleem create himself, his identity like the nation does to all human beings. But it can also unmake people. The women try to hold on to past and keep it safe as past is a country from which we have all migrated; that its loss is part of our humanity. (Imaginary Homelands; Essays and Criticism 1981-1991. London: Granta Books, 1991) And this statement teaches the migrants that reality is an artifact and it doesnt exist until it is made and it can be made well or badly, and it can also be unmade, like women did to Saleem. When we come to the question of why White Castle didnt give place for women might be because the childhood theme ook great importance in the book. For example, the grandfathers looking for his childhood at homeThat is why it gives much space for the child king. There is the continuous looking for the simple, untouched ide before recognizing sexuality, leaving the mother, to have potency. There is again the fear to lose the pureness, wholeness of the childhood. And because of it there are the speeches in this novel that tells about the childhood naughtiness. It is like the fear of the child. And if we relate this to the women ,as we said women are the creators and they are connected to past, there is no escape from it and when it involves naughtiness and things like a child fears. So, as the Hodja did, there is both an escape from it and at the same time looking for the past innocence. That is why there is no sexuality with women in the book. As they are feared, they can unmake men. The dangerous influence of women is not given permission in the book; only limited and innocent ones are implicitly told. Consequently, women and sexuality are barred and not given much importance as in Midnights Children happened the contrast. According to me, it is because it is known how influential women are and can be dangerous in creating. And when you want something wholly new and create your own identity, as the characters in White Castle wanted, it is not a good idea to include women and sexuality. The women can bring fall of men while creating them.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
How to Write a Strong Essay Introduction
How to Write a Strong Essay Introduction How to Write a Strong Essay Introduction A strong introduction grabs the reader’s attention and gets them hooked. When it comes to writing quality research papers and essays, a good introduction is essential. Its where you introduce your ideas and make them look intriguing. Think of it as a first impression to convince readers your work is worth reading. It’s the high-stakes section of the essay. When you write your essay, there’s plenty to do. First, you have to build your ideas and present your thesis statement. This gives the reader an idea of what you want to say and the point you want to make. Creating a good introduction is a priority when writing. Do it right, and readers will want to continue. Use these tips to master the process and make a compelling introduction to your main points. Hook your reader right away Your first sentence sets the tone for the entire essay. Take some time to make a compelling hook. There are different strategies available to hook your readers from the get-go. For example, you might introduce facts or statistics to demonstrate why your topic matters. For a historical essay, you could use an anecdote about your subject. You could ask a thought-provoking question. These approaches get the reader actively thinking about your theme. A good introduction is engaging. Make your reader think about your topic and how you will frame your arguments. Audiences are more likely to engage with the rest of your essay once you’ve got them thinking. Contextualize the topic Give your readers the information they will need to understand your essay. For example, you might define technical terms you will use, to bring readers up to speed, or introduce points you plan to bring up later. How much information you give depends on the length of the paper and the complexity of your ideas. Be specific; avoid overwhelming the reader with unnecessary detail. Save the details for the body and conclusion of the work. Keep in mind that your introduction gives an idea of what to expect from your essay as a whole. Start relatively broadly, then narrow the focus down to your thesis. Present relevant information When offering background for your hook (e.g. anecdotes or statistics), keep it relevant. If you are writing a biographical essay, an incident from childhood can be a charming way to engage the reader. However, if you’re writing a book report, a story about a friend who did not like it may not be relevant or useful. Stay focused; the object is to make things clearer to the reader. Keep your focus on the task at hand to avoid unnecessary detours. Offer a clear thesis statement One good rule for essay-writing is summarizing your main point with a thesis statement. In essence, a thesis statement summarizes your overall argument. A thesis for a literature essay might introduce your analysis of the author’s themes. Do not use your thesis statement to explain your position; save your arguments for the body, where you have space to express your ideas and proof in detail. Traditionally, many writers place thesis statements near the end of their introduction. While you can do that, it’s not a rule. You can put your thesis statement wherever you think it would be most effective. If you think it would be more appropriate to state your case at the outset, feel free. Summarize your essay After presenting your thesis statement, it’s a good idea to explain to the reader how you plan to prove it. Provide a quick summary of your main points and what you will have to say in the body. Keep your sentences simple and clear. Instead of discussing your supporting points, sum them up by stating â€Å"how†or â€Å"why†your theme is correct. For example, if your essay is a review of a book or movie, you might enumerate your critiques here. Keep it simple. The time for multi-syllable words and complex arguments comes later. The introduction is meant to be a prelude to the essay. For now, the summary helps your readers understand what you’re telling them and what your evidence is. Avoid cliches Avoid using cliches and generalizations. In most cases, they look unimaginative and unoriginal. For example, starting an essay with a flat definition can bore your reader. If you must define a term in your introduction, find a creative and engaging way to present the information. Avoid broad, sweeping generalizations (words like â€Å"always†or â€Å"everyone†). They may ring false with some readers and alienate them. One good example of cliches in action is the college entrance essay. The purpose of this kind of composition is to attract the attention of the adjudicator and separate yourself from other applicants in their mind. However, many writers fall into the trap of presenting the topic instead of exploring the purpose or theme of the essay. For instance, rather than describing a hardship that you overcame or a success that you achieved, use it as an opportunity for self-reflection. Explore how the event or individual affected you, and what you learned about yourself because of it. In an academic paper, it’s more important to introduce your main idea or theme and to lead readers into the essay. Present your idea as the clever hook that engages the reader. Make your point without overgeneralizing or giving away too much information. Write the intro last The introduction might be the opening part of your paper, but it doesn’t have to be the part you write first. If you’re having difficulty making it work, write the essay first, and then come back to the introduction. Some writers find it easier to write the body and their main points first. It can be easier to summarize the essay if you’ve already done most of the work earlier. You may also find it easier to write after giving yourself time to get used to the piece as a whole. Jot down notes for your introduction as you write. These notes can help inform how you write the introduction later. For example, you may find a term that you need to define at the beginning. Transition into the body Sometimes you can segue smoothly from the introduction and into the body. Other times you may need a transitional sentence to flow naturally into the rest of the essay. Test your essay after you finish to see how well it flows. Read the introduction and the first paragraph of the body out loud. If the transition feels awkward, add a bridge sentence to make the flow smoother. Ask someone to read it, too. Another pair of eyes can help you spot mistakes before editing and proofreading. Consult a trusted source for suggestions on how to polish your introduction further. The introduction has plenty riding on it. A strong opening will engage your readers and get them about your ideas from the beginning. Take advantage of these tips to make your introduction more striking, engaging, and compelling. If you need help with your writing, give a call. We specialize in writing and editing essays, speeches, and reports to help you handle a heavy workload. Our team of professional writers, editors, and proofreaders are ready and willing to provide you with high-quality papers written to academic standards. Give us a
Monday, October 21, 2019
The Origin of the Name Nunavut
The Origin of the Name Nunavut The meaning of Nunavut is the Inuktitut word for our land. Nunavut is one of the three territories and 10 provinces that make up Canada. Nunavut became a territory of Canada in 1999, formed from the eastern region of the mainland Northwest Territories and most of the Arctic Archipelago. The vast territory is helmed by its capital, Iqaluit, located at the head of Frobisher Bay on southern Baffin Island. In 1975, an accord, the James Bay and Northern Quebec Agreement, was agreed upon between the Canadian federal government, the Province of Quebec and Inuit representatives. This accord resulted in the establishment of the Kativik Regional Government in the Nunavik territory, and the residents of all 14 Nunavik settlements now elect their own representatives in regional elections. The Inuktitut Language Inuktitut, or Eastern Canadian Inuktitut, is one of the principal Inuit languages of Canada. It is also an aboriginal language that is written using the Canadian Aboriginal syllabics. Syllabics is a family of consonant-based alphabets called abugidas. It is used by several Aboriginal Canadian language families including Algonquian, Inuit, and Athabaskan. Vastly different from the Latin script used by more widespread languages, the use of syllabics greatly increases the likelihood of literacy among readers, due to its ease of use. The Inuktitut language is spoken throughout Arctic Canada, including all areas north of the tree line. The northern regions in the provinces of Quebec, Newfoundland Labrador, Manitoba, and Nunavut use the language, as well as the Northwest Territories. Inuktitut not only refers to the language but the entire culture of the Eastern Canadian Inuit. Inuit Culture and Language The Inuit mannerisms, social behaviors, and values make up Inuktitut, in addition to the written and spoken word. An Inuktitut education takes place outside of traditional schools in the home, and also on the land, sea, and ice. Young tribe members observe their parents and elders and practice their new language and life skills in order to perfect them. The word Inuit means the people, and it is an autonym. The singular form is Inuk. Lifestyle Based Around Extreme Weather Conditions The Inuit lifestyle is completely based around the extreme weather conditions they must endure. Basic survival skills along with fishing, hunting and trapping are essential for daily life. Agriculture has always been an impossibility, so instead, the Inuit diet is unlike any typical eating plan found elsewhere in the world. Beluga whale, seal, arctic char, crab, walrus, caribou, duck, moose, caribou, quail and geese make up almost the entirety of their diet, except in the warmer months when field roots and berries, such as cloudberries are picked and served, when in season. This meat and fat-heavy diet has proven to be a health issue for the Inuits. Many suffer from a low calcium and vitamin D intake, but surprisingly, a vitamin C definitely has not been an issue for most.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Application for a Master in Civil Engineering
My graduate received two internships for two weeks. The first internship took place at the Trident and Hyderabad Trident and hotels at Oberoi, where I worked on the design and implementation of the pile foundation and the pile load test. Therefore, I used the Kentlege method to learn the construction order of the boring position pile and the respective load test. My second internship took place at Indian airport authorities (Puducherry airport), I was actively involved in the partial implementation of the runway at 1,800 meters. My name is Abba Said. I am a civil engineer / project engineer. I learned civil engineering at Bauch State University (BASUG) in Canada. I graduated from grade 3. In 2011, I studied engineering project management for my master's degree at Coventry University. Being a civil engineer is not my first plan. I want to learn computer engineering. So I applied for computer engineering as the first and second choice of Ile-ife of Obaemi Awolowo University (OAU) in Ni geria. However, I did not satisfy their admission requirements, then changed my college to Bao Qi. Unfortunately, I missed Bauchi's ability test. Therefore, I decided to implement a one-year relief course at BASUG. When I officially enrolled in college, I had three choices. So I chose electrical engineering as my first choice, civil engineering as my second choice, civil engineering as my third choice. I am very pleased that I am studying civil engineering now. All civil engineers need to obtain a bachelor's degree in civil engineering (undergraduate degree). However, depending on the position, you may need a master's degree in engineering (master's degree). Civil engineers usually need years of experience to play a specific role in the design of construction projects at offices and on-site. The next step is to find a job of an engineering company that works for experts approved by the National Technical Association. If you like, you can maintain this level through your career. If y ou want a managerial position, you need to pursue more authoritative professional engineer qualifications. The first step is to take the basic engineering tests provided by NSPE. If you pass the exam, you are considered a training engineer.
Friday, October 18, 2019
Distribution of Beverages to its Retail Customer Case Study
Distribution of Beverages to its Retail Customer - Case Study Example If it offers a discount or charges less price for its products from one of its customers then it has to charge a lower price for its entire customer which will result in a loss for the company. The current costing method that is adopted by Johnson Beverage Inc in order to analyze the costing and profitability of the business and understanding the cost of the business that is underlying in order to analyze the cost and the income drivers. Therefore an in-depth knowledge is required in order to understand the profitability as per the stock keeping unit. For the improvement and development of the costing and profitability of the business, the company has adopted job order costing. JBI uses or adopts this costing as it assists JBI in analyzing and evaluating the net cost of its manufacturing process over a definite period of time. Under this method of costing the accurate cost that is incurred in the cost of production of the particular unit are maintained. JBI adopts both job order costing and process costing for different parts of its operations. The main disadvantages of applying or adopting this method of costing are it is very difficult or critical in identifying the overall activities that are undertaken that influences the cost of performing this activity. It is very critical in identifying the preferable cost drive that will evaluate or analyze the cost on the basis of the various activities. JBI mainly adopts fixed cost method for its billing purpose in order to analyze the fixed cost for all its activities and it analyzes and finds out the reason for variations in price. It allows the company in leveraging its efficiency and expertise in order to gain competitive advantage. Relevant costing may be defined as the cost that will influence the decision making of the company. The most relevant and best-costing method that JBIÂ should adopt on the basis of Exhibit 1 and Exhibit 2 is Activity-based costing. It can be observed that in Exhibit 1 that the cost of the goods is subtracted or deducted from the revenue in order to generate the gross margin. It also calculates the customer profitability of the company.Â
Media violence and sex Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Media violence and sex - Research Paper Example Sex and violence in media have increased to a very large extent ever since the inception of modern technologies. A different perspective is needed in order to extract a sense of reality out of films and movies. This vice has also been spreading to various forms of print media such as magazines and periodicals (Fedorov, 57). The blatant approach of presenting sex and violence by media has been coming under heavy criticism. For instance, the following quote might explain better - â€Å"in 1968, the Supreme Court held in Ginsberg v. New York that material not deemed obscene for adults may nonetheless be considered obscene with respect to minors†(Kotrla, 50). Parents and guardians around the world argue that influence of media can structure the moral views of the future world. There is little tolerance for sex and violence among parents, and so media needs to consider making changes. The current generation of children can imbibe unethical behaviour from the lessons they acquire from the media and consider such behavior as normal. A more subtle approach towards portraying these vices is necessary to secure a bright future for children. In addition, children need education on how to view sex and violence portrayed in the media to protect them from harmful impacts (Kotrla, 51). The root of media sex and violence can be found in the 1950s movies. It was during this period that movies were introduced to the public. Helped by technological progress, majority of the initial films were documentaries and action movies that would appeal to the public. The films would follow definite formats and provide entertainment to general audiences. With media becoming a profitable venture, heavy investments resulted in enhanced quality of films. According to Fedorov, with growing demand for reality in quality of movies, the inception of real life concepts such as sex and violence became inevitable (Fedorov, 38). Ever since media has been synonymous with providing
Democratic Leadership in Education Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words
Democratic Leadership in Education - Assignment Example The finance department was considered by many as superfluous to the Agency, but the government was demanding more financial information, so the Agency was â€Å"forced to broaden their focus to make a bigger role for financial reporting.†Even without the Finance Branch, the Agency was able to function in a manner consistent with world-class standards both in its core business and in other areas of its business. In this case, the Agency felt that it would have done well without the finance department, but it is a subjective and therefore imbalance point of view. The imperative to form a new department enhances the function it discharges – in this case, financial reporting and management – according to the needs and strategies identified by the higher unit (i.e., the government). What the Agency considers its â€Å"world class†performance may only be in its view, which a balanced financial reporting system using accrual accounting should provide an imparti al view into. Issue Two: The existing system had to be upgraded, according to the senior financial officer, but it would result in a non-standard system. Furthermore, it was perceived as risky due to the fact that â€Å"so much money had already been spent on the existing system without providing a satisfactory system.†Establishing a new system would necessitate new substructures; for it to pertain only to the finance department would necessarily create a system not consistent with the rest of the Agency, but this should not deter the move where it is deemed necessary. As Alfred Chandler (1993) put it, a structure must support strategy, not impede or constrain it. Issue Three: The new Finance Director formed a small project team including Mark Black (MIS) and Henry Tell (senior financial officer) to determine requirements for the new financial management system. She also requested funding for the team. Consultants were not used for this assessment, but latitude and confidenc e were given to the existing staff and their technical background, with inputs drawn from key stakeholders through interviews. This appeared to be a wise move. In the development of new structures within an existing organization, it is important to build a sense of legitimacy and acceptance. Bringing in outside consultant who hardly knows the Agency would have been a mistake; although the resultant system might have been superior, if it were prejudged as unacceptable for being irrelevant, then the new unit may not get the chance to prove its system’s merits and the benefits it may provide the organization. The benefits of taking a structural perspective are that it focuses corporate activity to the specific goals it wishes to achieve, organizes and coordinates the efforts taken towards this effort, and therefore optimizes the firm’s resources. Resources should be organized to support vital functions, and organizational units seen as superfluous should be taken out (Lie vegoed, 1973). The usefulness of the structural frame, in this case, is to realign roles and responsibilities according to a new (accounting) environment, as well as to transmit facts and information.
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Explain similarities and differences in the organizational cultures of Term Paper
Explain similarities and differences in the organizational cultures of any two of the organizations listed below - Term Paper Example An organizational culture also consists of specific customs and traditions that have been passed on through the employees. Many companies encourage the use of historical stories and events to relate the company’s strong culture and how its people are its biggest asset. Slogans, taglines and symbols can also be categorized as part of the organizational culture; many employees will draw motivational forces from these objects and improve their productivity. IBM and Toshiba are two of the well-known computer manufacturers who have their own organizational culture present in their company. Each of them has specific strengths and weaknesses which they have overcome through the efforts of their employees. Although many people believe that since they are competitive companies, their cultures and norms will be more of less the same, however this is not the case. For simplicity, we have carried out a research of the companies based on their head-office culture which gives the most accur ate description of the type of culture the original creators wanted. With the advent of globalization, this activity has become increasingly difficult, however some aspects are more clearly visible then others. What we have seen is that there are both similarities and differences in the cultures and both have their impact on the workings of the company, and while some have positive effects, others may prove to be disastrous. Introduction An organization is always affected by the culture it has. Culture can be defined as beliefs, behavior, language, and way of life for a particular group of people or a certain time. The importance of having a uniform culture throughout the company cannot be emphasized enough. In 1992, John Kotter and James Heskett published Corporate Culture and Performance, a landmark study of more than 200 US companies. They concluded that over time, organizations that managed their staff well saw their share prices increase more than 10 times higher than organizat ions that did not. In this article, we will be discussing the organization cultures of two large multinational companies which deal with the manufacture and distribution of laptops, computers, servers and other computer hardware devices. The companies are IBM and Toshiba. About the Companies IBM’s roots can be traced back to the year 1911 and has ever since been dominant in the IT business. While they remained competitive in some product categories, they failed in others. However, they remained true to their culture and this is the reason why they have remained a prominent player in the industry for so many years (Lesser & Prusak, 2004). Toshiba on the other hand, was started in the year 1939. Toshiba has always remained a competitive firm in the computer industry; however it has never missed out on opportunities in the electronics industry. Throughout its history, the group responsible for Toshiba expanded strongly, both by internal growth and by acquisitions, buying heavy e ngineering and primary industry firms in the 1940s and 1950s and then spinning off subsidiaries in the 1970s and beyond. They maintained its integrity and its strong culture. Some have attributed this strong culture as the backbone of its success. Some experts however say that it will be this culture that may lead to its eventual downfall; this argument is debatable and is out of the scope of this paper. What we must understand is that for a comparative analysis we must set a few parameters. For our purposes we will be discus
What kind of thinker are you Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
What kind of thinker are you - Essay Example Critical thinkers usually tend to be self-disciplined, self-directed, self-monitoring and self-corrective; they raise crucial questions about an issue then go ahead to formulate questions clearly and precisely to come up with the most effective way of reasoning (Hills, 2011). There are six stages in critical thinking that include; the unreflective thinker who is not aware of the significant flaws in his way of thinking, the confronted thinker who are aware of problems in their way of reasoning. The third stage is that of the novice thinker, who is aware of the problems in his thought process and tries to improve his thinking although this type of thinker is not consistent, proactive thinker is the fourth phase where the thinker acknowledges there is need to have a regular and consistent training in order to improve their thinking process. The fifth phase if that of the advanced thinker where the individuals begin to advance in their thinking process due to the amount of practise they have put in place and the final phase is the master thinker where an individual becomes skilful and insightful, he is analytical and reflective in his thinking process. Another area of critical thinking that was key in learning was the procedure of becoming a critical thinker, the various way that an individual can develop his thinking process through the six phases of critical thinking to become a master thinker. The importance of the critical thinking can also not be underrated in the learning process as it explains how and where the process of critical thinking is useful. My critical thinking has changed since starting the study of critical thinking in that I did not initially acknowledge my thinking process was flawed but after learning about the process of critical thinking, I now realise the flaws in my thinking. My stage of development has been that of an unreflective thinker, this is informed by the
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Democratic Leadership in Education Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words
Democratic Leadership in Education - Assignment Example The finance department was considered by many as superfluous to the Agency, but the government was demanding more financial information, so the Agency was â€Å"forced to broaden their focus to make a bigger role for financial reporting.†Even without the Finance Branch, the Agency was able to function in a manner consistent with world-class standards both in its core business and in other areas of its business. In this case, the Agency felt that it would have done well without the finance department, but it is a subjective and therefore imbalance point of view. The imperative to form a new department enhances the function it discharges – in this case, financial reporting and management – according to the needs and strategies identified by the higher unit (i.e., the government). What the Agency considers its â€Å"world class†performance may only be in its view, which a balanced financial reporting system using accrual accounting should provide an imparti al view into. Issue Two: The existing system had to be upgraded, according to the senior financial officer, but it would result in a non-standard system. Furthermore, it was perceived as risky due to the fact that â€Å"so much money had already been spent on the existing system without providing a satisfactory system.†Establishing a new system would necessitate new substructures; for it to pertain only to the finance department would necessarily create a system not consistent with the rest of the Agency, but this should not deter the move where it is deemed necessary. As Alfred Chandler (1993) put it, a structure must support strategy, not impede or constrain it. Issue Three: The new Finance Director formed a small project team including Mark Black (MIS) and Henry Tell (senior financial officer) to determine requirements for the new financial management system. She also requested funding for the team. Consultants were not used for this assessment, but latitude and confidenc e were given to the existing staff and their technical background, with inputs drawn from key stakeholders through interviews. This appeared to be a wise move. In the development of new structures within an existing organization, it is important to build a sense of legitimacy and acceptance. Bringing in outside consultant who hardly knows the Agency would have been a mistake; although the resultant system might have been superior, if it were prejudged as unacceptable for being irrelevant, then the new unit may not get the chance to prove its system’s merits and the benefits it may provide the organization. The benefits of taking a structural perspective are that it focuses corporate activity to the specific goals it wishes to achieve, organizes and coordinates the efforts taken towards this effort, and therefore optimizes the firm’s resources. Resources should be organized to support vital functions, and organizational units seen as superfluous should be taken out (Lie vegoed, 1973). The usefulness of the structural frame, in this case, is to realign roles and responsibilities according to a new (accounting) environment, as well as to transmit facts and information.
What kind of thinker are you Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
What kind of thinker are you - Essay Example Critical thinkers usually tend to be self-disciplined, self-directed, self-monitoring and self-corrective; they raise crucial questions about an issue then go ahead to formulate questions clearly and precisely to come up with the most effective way of reasoning (Hills, 2011). There are six stages in critical thinking that include; the unreflective thinker who is not aware of the significant flaws in his way of thinking, the confronted thinker who are aware of problems in their way of reasoning. The third stage is that of the novice thinker, who is aware of the problems in his thought process and tries to improve his thinking although this type of thinker is not consistent, proactive thinker is the fourth phase where the thinker acknowledges there is need to have a regular and consistent training in order to improve their thinking process. The fifth phase if that of the advanced thinker where the individuals begin to advance in their thinking process due to the amount of practise they have put in place and the final phase is the master thinker where an individual becomes skilful and insightful, he is analytical and reflective in his thinking process. Another area of critical thinking that was key in learning was the procedure of becoming a critical thinker, the various way that an individual can develop his thinking process through the six phases of critical thinking to become a master thinker. The importance of the critical thinking can also not be underrated in the learning process as it explains how and where the process of critical thinking is useful. My critical thinking has changed since starting the study of critical thinking in that I did not initially acknowledge my thinking process was flawed but after learning about the process of critical thinking, I now realise the flaws in my thinking. My stage of development has been that of an unreflective thinker, this is informed by the
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
The Tipping Point Essay Example for Free
The Tipping Point Essay Change is a rule by nature that will never change. Shifting from one state to another state is nature’s law. No one can override this rule. Tipping point by Malcolm Gladwell is all about changes that happen frequently. No one is stable in this world; nothing is stable in this world. Every thing must change consistently, the things, which happened yesterday, is not same today and the things which happened today will not be same tomorrow. This law is not only applicable for human life but also for society, technology, disease, education, culture, music, craft and so on. A wide spread outbreak of an infectious disease is called as epidemic. Malcolm Gladwell also deals with this epidemic not with medicine but with social epidemic that spoils young generation and society. Smoking is injurious to health, Drinking is injurious to wealth. Every one knows this, but they drink and smoke until malady bangs them. A women’s tongue is more powerful than any other thing? What is the reason behind crime rate fell down so drastically? What is the reason behind young generation using mobile  phones, ipods, and desktop and laptop computers than elder generation? Why some use Internet for utile purpose and not others? Why violence step-up in Hollywood movies? There are many questions here but Malcolm Gladwell answers only one question that is the correct answer for remaining questions. Ideas, behavior, messages and products sometimes behave just like outbreaks of infectious disease. They are called as social epidemics. The Tipping point is a book that deals with social epidemics that surround us. Generation after generation every thing right from culture, music, dress, changes frequently in a very unusual way. For example, if a famous pop star changes his dressing style, everyone will have a tendency to dress like him. It is called trend. This trend changes often, and no one knows this transition. The working of social epidemic is distinctly separate and society’s mind were stormed by  This unusual occurrence. For example we can look at twin tower disaster in New York City. A film taken by novice artists and technicians may yield stunning victory. No one knows the working of epidemic. The title â€Å" The Tipping Point â€Å" is originated from the world of epidemiology. The Tipping Point is a proper mixture of sociology, psychology, and history. This is a book for one who wishes to understand the world around them is in different way. The Three Influential People Connectors, Mavens and Salesmen.  Connectors can be compared with computer hub. They play a major role in epidemic like the central part of a car wheel. Hub is used for networking one computer with other. They are the heart of computer networking. Connectors have the habit of voluntarily introducing themselves to strangers and others. They can easily mingle with any sort of people. Hub in computer can be connected to any other computer irrespective of their configuration and software installed, like wise connectors can amalgamate with any sort of people in the society without any hesitation. Connectors are very rare in the society. Mavens are very intelligent people, they know how to interact with society, they how to exploit decrepit of the society. Mavens are intelligent powerful social epidemic. â€Å"Maven†the word comes from Yiddish meyvn and Herbrew mevin (מבÖ ¿Ã—™×Ÿ, with the same meaning, which in turn derives from Herbrew binah, means understanding. It was recorded in english language in 1952, and become famous in the 1960s by a series of commercials for Vita Herring created by Martin Solow, featuring â€Å"The Beloved Herring Maven†. Since the 1980s it has become more common since William Safire adepted it to describe himself â€Å" the language maven†. The word is mainly confined to American English, but had not yet appeared with the publication of the 1976 edition of Webster’s third new international dictionary. In network theory and socilogy, a maven is someone who has a disproportionate influence on other members of the network. The role of mavens in propagating knowledge and preferences has been established in various domains, from politics to social trends. Gladwell also suggests that mavens act most effectively when they have some kind of understanding with connectors. Connectors can easily and widely distribute the advice or insight of a mavens. Some have identified the maven is not a Jewish word, but a Jewish concept. A maven is an expert, and it’s something that every Jew thinks he is on every subject that exists. The term Maven is used to a great extent in spam electornic mails. Spam is nothing but an email from unrecognized location or person. The objective behind spam electronic mail is to develop and promote their business and to to earn handsome of money. Some Spam email contains VIRUS – Virtual Information Resource Under Sledge. An agreement or contract in which property is transferred from the seller to the buyer for fixed price in money (paid or agreed to be paid by the buyer) is called as sales. It is an integral part of social activity. Ideas or products found attractive or interesting by others will grow exponentially for some time is called as stickiness. People always look for different kind of music systems like Walkman, Discman or even those expensive mp3 players And finally they stick with ipods. Apple is the second biggest company next to Microsoft Apple introduced ipods in which hundreds and thousands of songs can be saved and played whenever required. This allowed the company to not only exploit they name but also use the names of Dell and Microsoft to work with them for their success. Also this product tipped of the timing. At a time when the health conscious and the craze is at its peak, people were looking for something to play their music while they were working out that looked cool. This is exactly what the IPOD offered these people. It is compact, mini, nano, shuffles are so small they can easily fit in your pocket with no worries about skipping, even while running. The overall benefits of this product are enormous, and the sleek plain design really set it apart from anything in the market. If a kid in a college doesn’t have one of ipod, laptop, cell phones, people are surprised. The point that I try to get from Gladwell is the importance of Maven in having something tipped. Whether is accidental or on purpose the maven finds out information about something and has to tell someone. I feel it has tipped and think it was a fabulous example of marketing tipping a product. I think Gladwell really hit the nail on the head with his main three points that contribute to the tipping point of anything. At a time when the health conscious and the craze is at its peak, people were looking for something to play their music while they were working out that looked cool. This is an incredible underground of ipod mavens. One who links like-minded people and one who gathers and shares deep information, that sounds the definition of almost every relationship is the blogger, they are connectors and mavens at the tipping point of communication. Cell phone, ipods, desktop and laptops are the tipping point of communication because no other form of communication has been so immediate, so interactive, so far-reaching and so ready-made for relationships. We are connectors and mavens at the tipping point of communication able to make relationships with people all over the planet. We are just beginning to figure out the depth and breadth of the medium in which we are working. With the relationships we are making and the information we are gathering. If we set our minds in the same direction, we can change the world. The whole thing changes when the world is our community. Adoption of Ipods Advent of Cell Phones, Laptop and Desktop. Bolstered by the recent holiday gift-giving season, the number of American adults who now own an iPod or other MP3 player has reached 22 million, according to a Pew Internet American Life survey.  Based on the findings of this survey, it is clear that this technology reached its tipping point in the 2004 holiday shopping season, said Lee Rainie, director of Pew Internet American Life. iPods and other MP3 players have broken into the mainstream in a new way, and were projecting a lot more growth, probably an acceleration of growth, ahead. The survey was conducted between January 13 and February 9, 2005 to gauge roughly how many American adults now own iPods or MP3 players. The study didnt poll teenagers, an age group that includes several million more users of such devices. Pew determined iPods and other MP3 players are likely being adopted so quickly because of their relative ease of use, a plethora of downloadable music on the Internet, and because they allow people to become their own disk jockeys. People are beginning to adapt them as instruments of social activity, sharing songs with others, and are becoming drawn into podcasting, Rainie said. Although the study didnt offer specific numbers for podcastings growth, Rainie predicts in 2005, podcasting is likely to surge in popularity along a growth curve comparable to the blogging communitys rapid expansion. Pew is currently conducting a study looking at the growth of podcasting, results of which will be released in mid-March. Key findings of the survey include: †¢ Men are more likely to own iPods/MP3 players than women. Roughly 14 percent of adult men have such devices, as opposed to nine percent of adult women. †¢ Almost one in five (19 percent) of adults under the age of 30 have iPods/MP3 Players, versus 14 percent of people in their 30s and 40s. †¢ iPods/MP3 players are generally gadgets for the well-to-do. Approximately 24 percent of adults with household incomes of $75,000 or more own a device. About 10 percent of adults living in households earning $30,000 to $75,000 have them, as opposed to 6 percent of those living in households with earnings under $30,000. †¢ Internet users are four times as likely as non-Internet users to have iPods/MP3 players, probably because Web users are able to get much of the music they enjoy online; 15 percent of Internet users have iPods/MP3 players, versus only four percent of non-Internet users. †¢ The more advanced the Internet user, the more likely it is s/he will own an iPod/MP3 player. Those with six or more years online experience are twice as likely to have them as those who first came online in the last three years. †¢ Broadband access is strongly linked to iPod/MP3 player ownership. About 23 percent of adults with high bandwidth have the devices, compared to nine percent who connect via dial-up. Among adults with broadband access both at home and at work, 31 percent own such devices. †¢ Approximately 16 percent of parents living with children under age 18 have an iPod/MP3 player, as opposed to nine percent of those with no children living at home. Business hit the big time with the advent of the laptop because people could work at home Things got even better when wireless was invented. These technologies are becoming the worst things to happen to world Customer request for number of words. Number of words : 1975 including works cited . Works Cited 1. Gladwell, Malcolm, â€Å"What is the Tipping Point† 2.Paterson, Robert, â€Å"How To Start a Revolution†3rd May 2003. 3. WikiSummaries, â€Å"The Tipping Point Summary†, 31st Jan 2007. 4. Paterson, Robert, â€Å"Tipping Point’ Customer request for additional three online resources. 1. Allison ,Jeremy, â€Å"Vista at the tipping point†19th Jan 2007. 2. Gladwell, Malcolm, â€Å"The Tipping Point†, 3.†The Tipping Point – How little things can make a big difference†
Monday, October 14, 2019
Poile Sengupta and the Theatre of Protest
Poile Sengupta and the Theatre of Protest Abstract Drama is a reflection of life as we know it. Hence it becomes a very effective tool to gauge the changes in social perspectives. In India, the later decades of the twentieth century have seen comparatively more women producing some very intense work. Most plays written by women during these decades are honest, reflexive, often violent and at times extremely disturbing. They try to seek an answer to the question of power imbalance that is prevalent in our society. In this paper I have tried to analyse current trends in Contemporary Indian Drama in English especially with regard to Women’s Drama i.e. plays written by women playwrights, about women and their experiences. I’ve chosen Poile Sengupta as a representative playwright and analysed her plays for my study. Keywords Protest, Society, Theatre, Women. Poile Sengupta and the Theatre of Protest. A few years back, I was watching a movie My Big Fat Greek Wedding wherein a mother advises a grown up daughter saying, â€Å".You must always remember, a Man is the head of the family and the woman is the neck. It is the neck that turns the head in the direction it wants to see, whatever it wants seen..†It was at this precise moment that this journey of mine began. A journey to find out the truth behind the words as well as to see if they held true in our world /culture as it is so similar to that of the Greeks. Objective I chose to study Drama as it is the closest art form to life as we know it. And I chose contemporary women playwrights for study so as to be able to gauge the relevance of the words in a world that I am a part of. The objective of this paper is to analyse a new trend in theatre – the Theatre of Protest and showcase its relevance in the plays of Poile Sengupta, one of the foremost contemporary Indian playwrights. Traditionally women have never had, nor were allowed a voice of their own. â€Å"Because a woman has patience, She is not allowed to speak; And she never learns the words.†Narrator in Mangalam Women, as per social construct and social device, were considered inferiors and had to play domestic roles in the family and familial role in the society. Cultural restrictions, traditional barriers, religious norms, poverty, illiteracy, subjugation and suppression have been the blocks on the way for women to pen down and articulate their points of views History is proof that male writers have often written about women. In many of their works, the central character is a woman. However, in these works, the women characters are almost always seen primarily in relation to men, and they are usually of interest largely in terms of their romantic and sexual relationships. Women writers, likewise, often deal with the topics of Love, sexuality and marriage, but they deal with other aspects of a womans life as well. The women playwrights in India have focused on their appearance on stage and breaking all the myths and barriers they have boldly taken steps to represent themselves. They do not have to be dependent on the male playwrights to be represented and act according to their choice anymore. Women have found drama as a means of expression of their innermost feelings, and exposition of personality. They have been able to reach common people through staging and characterizing themselves in the plays from their own point of view. These women writers consciously or unconsciously establish themselves through a cultural identity and the outcome of their literary art is to journey towards self identity. They long and focus for an ultimate change in the society. Theatre of Protest The new trend that leads Indian English drama is undoubtedly plays of women, by women for everyone. Women’s theatre has emerged as a distinct dramatic force which stages the various issues of contemporary Indian society. Women dramatists have courageously written serious and social plays portraying day to day life of women in the family, profession, community, and the society at large.It is in these texts that one feels the pulse of the people of the country, their daily struggles, their problems and difficulties as tangible realities. The issues raised in these plays are amazing in their variety and range, especially with regard to the women’s experiences. Such plays are a source of empowerment; they enable women to speak out. It is at the intersection of art, activism, and social relevance. Such theatre acts as an instrument of real change in women’s lives. It is an exploration of women’s own unique idiom their own form, their language, and ways of communication. It is a challenge to the established notions of theatre. It can thus be attributed as a ‘Theatre Of Protest’ because women writers expressed their resentment against the politics of exploitation on the ba sis of gender discrimination. These plays do not confine themselves only to the domestic sphere or love and romance. They touch upon every domain of life and offer a range of analyses of the position of women and different strategies that need to be adopted to negotiate social change. In fact, through their examination of the material circumstances of human life, the work of these dramatists demands a reconsideration and reformulation of the comfortably established paradigms of society. As Tutun Mukherjee, eminent Critic and professor at Hyderabad Central University says about these Women Playwrights, â€Å"Their plays have no author-defined conclusions, no resolutions, and no happy/sad endings. They do not aim at mental or emotional peace but close in irresolution, just as life’s experiences often do. The plays disturb and roil the equilibrium; they provoke and demand response. They try to forge a new kind of audience that will not expect to be entertained but will participate in the dialectics since the issues concerning women and children are of the kind that have invariably been and continue to be side-stepped and neglected by the society.†Thus, in some form, each of these plays deal with some form of resistance, sometimes trying to analyze women’s sexual exploitation in the domestic and public sphere, sometimes accepting women’s own complicity in such exploitation. In either way, they try to define women’s theatre against male-dominated ideologies and try to represent the under-represented aspect of sexual abuse in women’s lives. Themes There are many issues that bar women from writing plays as gender differences, religious barriers, cultural restrictions, lack of economic support, prevailing prejudices against women (women cannot produce good plays), family responsibilities and above all lack of standard education. In spite of these restraints, a few women playwrights have succeeded in their endeavours to write and produce plays in India and have been acclaimed internationally as well. Dina Mehta, Manjula Padmanabhan, Poile Sengupta and Tripurari Sharma are some of the names to mention who have been working tirelessly in the field of drama and have published many plays. These plays are linked by a commonality of themes and their intention bound by a common vision. A recurrent theme is that of psychosexual abuse and how women cope with sexism in everyday life. The spotlight is on women marking out their anguish, the pain, and often the inferiority that they suffer. Raju Parghi in his article ‘Indian Drama and the Emergence of Indian Women Playwrights: A Brief Survey’ claims that plays written by women can be broadly categorized into four broad categories. He says, â€Å"The themes of the plays written by women mostly deal with the issues related to women, at the same time they also depict children’s world and the issues related to men. The women playwrights are conscious of contemporary issues blended with troubling past memories, expectation of better and blissful future attempt to present balanced views on both society and family. Their multifarious themes can be compressed under four broad categories of plays. The Plays of Relationships include themes like motherhood, intricate baffling relationship of men and women, incest and adultery. The Plays of Violence focus on various types of violence as physical, emotional, psychological, and the exploitation of women at home and in profession. The Plays of Resistance present the themes of , voicing against rape, injustice and inequality, poverty illiteracy and gender discrimination. The Plays of Revolution suggests the themes of voice of the voiceless, political issues, religious and supe rstitious practices conservative values and traditional restrictions.†Poile Sengupta Poile (Ambika) Sengupta is one of India’s foremost playwrights in English. She has written many plays and all her plays have been performed every now and then in Banglore. Mangalam, was written in 1993 and produced the next year. Her other plays include Inner Laws,(1994), A Pretty Business (1995), Keats was a Tuber (1996), Collages (1998), Alipha and Thus Spake Shoorpanakha, So Said Shakuni (2001) and Samara’s Song(2007). Mangalam was published by Seagull in Body Blows (2000). In the Preface to an anthology of her plays, Poile Sengupta says, â€Å"when I write, I do so with the consciousness, the sensibility that is mine. However I’ve always been troubled about the status of women, and children, who seem to be the worst sufferers in any conflict, whether familial, social or political.†She also claims to enjoy the challenge of fashioning the grammar of an English sentence into what is essentially an ‘Indian’ syntax. Her first play Mangalam won The Hindu Madras Players Play-scripts Competition in 1993. It is a remarkable play that revolves around a dead person. The interaction among the characters probes the past that hides many skeletons. Each character is nuanced and individualised and each memory adds flesh and blood to the absent Mangalam. The invisible is made visible through memories. Mangalam is the female character in the play within the play, whose death becomes, in a way, the basis for much of the action. Throughout the first Act, we can feel her ‘absent presence’, through references to the time of her life when she was alive. At first, we are told that she probably committed suicide by swallowing pills, but we are not given any reason for her having done so. It is only the narrator’s choric commentary that provides insights like â€Å"Women die many kinds of deaths; men do not know this.†(102). Gradually we learn that she was carrying someone else’s child when she got married to Dorai. Her sister Thangam’s response to this accusation is, â€Å"Did you ever think that it could have been forced upon her?†(122). Not willing to relent on this, Dorai is keen on presenting himself as the victim, until Thangam retorts, â€Å"What about that married woman who used to come to the temple everyday and take prasaadam from your father? She took prasaadam from you also, didn’t she?†(121). While any hints of a woman’s unchaste conduct can malign her reputation for life, a similar act on a man’s part, is forgivable and can be easily ignored. Dorai, however, still has the audacity to justify himself, â€Å"It’s different for a man†(121). The shamelessness with which such private aspects of a woman’s life are openly discussed, slandering her reputation even after her death, is nothing more than a war of ideologies between the characters, none of whom are really sensitive to the loss of Mangalam. The female voice offstage comments: â€Å"Because a woman is strong, she is not to be protected; others violate her, and she must pay for their trespass.†(123). It is at the end of the first Act, that we get to know that Mangalam was molested by her own sister Thangam’s husband, alongside which news, Dorai’s daughter Usha too arrives, having left her husband’s house, because the oppression there, had got the better of her. Domestic space, which is the marker that tradition sets for the preservation of women’s chastity (Sita was abducted when she crossed the boundary marked by Lakshman), has now become a space of sexual violence and has led to an impasse for women. Act Two is, in a way, a comment upon Act One, because one realizes that the first Act was a play within the play one is reading. However, the same themes recur here, too. In fact, Sengupta uses the same actors in this Act as in the previous one, to depict the ruthless repetition of exploitation, even though in the second Act, ‘modernity’ has set in. Suresh is a modern-day ‘rake’ who values only conquest over women. This is why his sister Sumati is led to remark, â€Å"†¦the moment a woman doesn’t fit into the category of being a mother or a sister, she’s baggage†¦sexual baggage.†(129). Very soon, Thangam learns that her husband Sreeni has been having a clandestine extra-marital affair with another woman, which leaves a sense of hopeless reconciliation in the reader’s mind. It gets further aggravated when Radha tells Vikram: â€Å"[Sumati] had gone out with [a] man and I think he was violent with her. She didn’t r ealize†¦he suddenly†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (146). Towards the end, just when Thangam has gained courage enough to leave her husband, a sudden terrified scream is heard, which one soon learns, is Sumati’s, trying to escape from the advances of her uncle. Another play titled Keats was a tuber was short-listed for the British Council International New Playwriting Prize in 1997. Very realistic and humorous, it presents a group of English teachers in a provincial college and brings into play our ambivalent attitude to English and the way it is generally taught. The mindless memorizing of facts, often not the essential ones, is what gives the play its title. The students memorize the line ‘Keats was a tuberculosis patient’ by breaking it into two meaningless portions: â€Å"Keats was a tuber, Keats was a tuber†and â€Å"culosis patient, culosis patient†¦.†The memorized line does little to explain Keats’ poetic genius and illustrates the mechanical and spiritless teaching that drains a language and a literature of their beauty and appeal, and in no way aids learning. As the human relationships unfold in the play, Sengupta makes brilliant use of the English language – with each character demon strating an individualizing inflection as a bridge between those who teach and those who are taught. Some of her other very well known works are Inner Laws (1994), a satirical sit-com about five mothers-in-law and their five daughters-in-law whose names are drawn from the epics; and a woman-centred play called A Pretty Business (1995). Her play Dream makers of Calcutta with its backdrop of football was published in Telegraph in 1998. Sengupta explains that she wrote Collages in 1998 after she met a dear old lady at the British Council Library who talked to her for hours as though she was desperate for someone to talk to. She seemed a sad and lonely woman. The play too is grim and reflective in its tone and style. A 1999 play, Samara’s Song , deriving its name from an Iraqi city, is a mournful socio-political reflection on the violence that wipes out all traces of culture and civilization. In its wake comes the sense of irreparable human loss. The play Alifa (2001) recalling the first word in the alphabet in Hindusthani, dramatizes the obstacles in the way of women’s e mpowerment. There are just two characters, a woman and a man, totally unrelated and unknown to each other and extremely different in temperament and character yet at certain points their narratives intersect. The stage lights up one and the other alternately as they tell their stories. The play is both appealing and relevant. Sengupta’s Thus Spake Shoorpanakha , So Said Shakuni (2001) is an ambitious play which takes its characters from two different epics. They meet as two travelers at an airport. Gradually they start talking and reveal their innermost thoughts about the way they have been ill-treated by history. Sengupta explains that she was fascinated by a folktale about Shakuni’s brothers being imprisoned and killed by the Kauravas when Hastinapur kingdom was extended to Qandahar in the northwest. Only Shakuni had survived and he swore revenge upon the Kauravas. His dice were made of his brothers’ bones. Shoorpanakha, on the other hand, represents all those women who are bold enough to remain single and declare their desire for male companionship without taking recourse to false modesty. Such women threaten the male world so they are described as â€Å"dangerous rakshasis†(un-Aryan demonesses) who must be controlled/contained/ punished before they can upset the patriarcha l set-up. When these two characters meet in a contemporary situation, another crisis begins to threaten the world. Finally it is Shoorpanakha who dissuades Shakuni from provoking another bloodbath. Conclusion The Indian women playwrights consider drama a more serious tool of expression and representation. They have dealt with certain issues which the men playwrights have failed to do. They have adopted the genre as a more practical means to present serious familial, social cultural and political issues, the heinous crimes and practices of the society in satirical way. Their aim is to bring awareness of certain harsh realities, to protect every individual’s basic rights, to live freely, and to respect every individual irrespective of different gender caste or creed. The above mentioned four types of plays can be again compressed into one umbrella term as ‘The Plays of Change’ a new trend that perhaps goes hand in hand with the theatre of women. As Poile herself says through the narrator in Mangalam â€Å"As for the women, the gods said Let them be strong, rooted like trees For it is they who shall hold The ends of the world together, And there will be storms And the winds will blow very strong But the women will stay like trees, They will hold the world together .†References Kaushik, Minakshi (2012), Struggle and Expression: Selected Plays by Manjula Padmanabhan, Poile Sengupta and Dina Mehta, Galaxy: International Multidisciplinary Research Journal, 1(1). Mukherjee, Tutun (2005), Ed. Staging Resistance: Plays by Women in Translation, OUP, New Delhi. Mukherjee, Tutun (2007), Finding a Voice: Forging an Audience: Women Playwrights in English, Muse India (Web-Zine,), Issue 14. Parghi, Raju(2010), Indian Drama and the Emergence of Indian Women Playwrights: A Brief Survey, Impressions : An e-journal of English Studies, 1(1) Sengupta, Poile(2010), Women Centerstage : The Dramatist and the Play, Routledge, New Delhi. Singh, Anita(2009), Feminist Interventions: A Reading of Light’s Out, Getting Away with Murder and Mangalam, Muse India, Issue 26.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
George Washington Carver :: essays research papers fc
Carver was born a slave in Missouri. Although is exact birth date is unknown it has been narrowed down to July 12, 1861. Carver was only an infant when his dad was killed an he, his brother and mother were kidnapped. He was then orphaned and Moses Carver, his owner, bought George back in exchange for a horse. The horses value was estimated at 300 dollars. Carvers first schooling took place in a single room school house for black children. After regular schooling, he enrolled at Highland University. He had the grade but due to the fact that he was black he was denied. He then enrolled at Simpson College in Iowa where he worked as a cook to pay of his tuition. Carver wander to be an artist and he also showed promise as a painter. His art teacher steered him away from art and encouraged him to enroll at State Agricultural College in Ames. There he earned his bachelors degree. He then went to the Ames Experiment Station where he was employed by Louis Pammel. In 1896, Carver went to Tuskegee Institute to lead the newly established department of agriculture. For the rest of his life, Carver put together a laboratory, made useless and over-farmed land farmable, and continued research. Much of the land in the South had been over-farmed. All of the soil's nutrients had been depleted by the cotton and tobacco plant. Carver improved soil with his own blend of fertilizers. He also advised farmers to plant peanuts and sweet potatoes, he told them this would help the soil. So many farmers did this and were stuck with peanuts and sweet potatoes. So he made over 300 bi-products from plants such as cereal, oils, dyes, and soaps. In addition, Carver developed a "school on wheels" to teach farmers from Alabama the essentials for soil enrichment. Carver had experimented with various types of fertilizers. He grew huge vegetables with these fertilizers. He also crossed a long stalk and a short stalk of cotton to produce a new plant known as Carvers Hybrid. Carvers many achievements made him easily promotable to high salary jobs but he refused a raise and he stayed with the 1500 dollar annual salary he started with during his first year of employment.
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