Wednesday, January 1, 2020
Some Of The Effects That Peer-Pressure Have On Teens
Some Of The Effects That Peer-Pressure Have On Teens Teens are effected in so many ways by peer pressure is social pressure by member of ones peer group to take a certain action, adopt certain values, or other wise conform in order to be accepted. Peer pressure effect different teens in different ways. Teen are often being pressured into using drugs, having sex, drinking and bullying, the list goes on. When the peer pressure becomes overwhelming teens suffer great effects such social anxiety, depression some even result to suicide. Peer pressure is probably one of the biggest issuses in high school, as a teen its likely you’ve experienced the effect of peer influence in a number of different areas sometimes teens may have to dress a†¦show more content†¦What we dont realize is that this style drives anger beneath the surface and forces it to find a more indirect way for expression. Teens may go online to escape their problems but excessive computer use only increases their isolation it may lead to reckless behavior and out of control drinking. â€Å"Depression is like a war. You either win or die trying†. (Sutter). Teen depression is also associated with a number of health problems including eating disorders and self harm. Teens who commit suicide often suffer from depression. Teens may feel misunderstood so it is wise for parents and care givers to learn up on depression and how to help their child on the road to recovery. Teens may lean on drug use to make the feel better or just help with the pain they have on the end side so then it may lead form just depression to depression drug addictions. Sometimes they might cut to cope with the pain. But all this could be solved with doctor visits and therapy. The first would be trying to get them to speck out because it takes a lot of courage to stand up and tell someone else your pain. Suicide is often misunderstood. Suicide is an act of a individual taking their own life. Suicide thoughts a re have numerous cause most often result of feeling like you cant cope when you are faced with to much stress. Theories and thoughts on suicide have changed over the years both within the psychological community and within the general population. These changes seem toShow MoreRelatedShould I Drink This Beer? Essay1650 Words  | 7 PagesShould I drink this beer? Should I Get A Job? Am I too fat? These are some typical questions that adolescents face during their middle school and high school years. Peer pressure can change the answer to those three simple question in both a negative or positive way. Peer pressure is when a group of your peers is trying to influence you to do something in either a good or bad way. 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